Scarborough City Dart League

B1 League Standings
B2 League Standings

B1 Player Rankings
B2 Player Rankings
League Player Rankings
League History & Membership Information
Scarborough City Dart League is entering it's 40th Anniversity Season.
A team must consist of a minimum of six (6) players, and may have up to a maximum of nine (9) players and a non-playing captain. If a team captain wishes to add a player(s) the request is to be in writing to the S.C.D.L executive prior to the November 2024 Captains Meeting.
All new players must be approved by the executive of the Scarborough City Dart League prior to their eligibility to play. Approval is based upon the skill level of the player being requested to add, the skill level of the players already on the team, and the division in which the team has been placed by the League. Approvals are made by a minimum of two (2) of the executive, and will take 1-2 weeks.
All players, add players and non-playing team captains must be paid in full to receive any awards, and to have full voting rights.
Teams are assigned to a division depending upon the skill level of the players you register on the team, at the time of registration. The executive of the Scarborough City Dart League ranks its players based upon their performance in the S.C.D.L. The executive reserves the right to assign ranking to new players to the league depending upon their experience and involvement in other dart leagues. If a player played in the S.C.D.L last year, the executive will use S.C.D.L ranking first and only. If a player did not play in our league last year but played in a previous year, or in another league we will use those rankings to determine a ranking for this season. For the 2024-2025 season.