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 Match Result

Home Team Total Wins Total Wins Away Team
GFY Bar 3 8 7 The Quarter

 All Stars

Home Team  All Stars   All Stars  Away Team
GFY Bar 3 7 9 The Quarter

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Paul Stuart'01 Cumulative All-Stars195
Paul StuartR5 - 5 Mark Round1 
Paul StuartB3 - 3 BULLS1 
Vincent Saia'01 Cumulative All-Stars1120
Vincent Saia'01 Cumulative All-Stars1100
Nichole BauerR5 - 5 Mark Round1 
John Niwinski'01 Cumulative All-Stars1100
John NiwinskiR6 - 6 Mark Round1 
John NiwinskiR7 - 7 Mark Round1 
John NiwinskiB3 - 3 BULLS2 
Jamie DombrowskiR5 - 5 Mark Round1 
Brendan Stuart'01 Cumulative All-Stars1100
Brendan Stuart'01 Cumulative All-Stars1100
Brendan StuartR6 - 6 Mark Round1 
Tom Zimmerman'01 Cumulative All-Stars1100