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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Ben Cupello Better At Pool C 11

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 13 of 25 (.520) 4th 27th 139th
Total Points 11 4th 29th 148th
Total Wins 11 of 40 (.275) 4th 29th 148th
Total All Stars 1 3rd 27th 143rd
601 Doubles-10 of 0 (.000)1st1st146th
601 Doubles-20 of 0 (.000)1st1st143rd
Singles-5012 of 13 (.154)4th27th147th
501 Doubles-14 of 13 (.308)5th28th28th
501 Doubles-25 of 14 (.357)2nd24th24th

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    

 All Stars Details

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
January 21, 2025


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games1 Win3 Undefeated8 without a win 
601 Doubles-1N/AN/AN/A 
601 Doubles-2N/AN/AN/A 
Singles-5013 Losses1 Win7 Losses 
501 Doubles-11 Loss2 Undefeated4 without a win 
501 Doubles-21 Win2 Undefeated6 without a win 

 Match Details & Results


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
February 25, 2025L@ Off In ChurchBen CupelloJohn Wilson
January 21, 2025L Off In ChurchBen CupelloJohn Wilson
January 14, 2025L@ Jagerbombers 2.0Ben CupelloChris Doner
January 7, 2025W@ Young Guns Ben CupelloJordan Cooper
December 17, 2024L Darts All Over Ben CupelloDan Taylor
December 3, 2024L@ Off In ChurchBen CupelloJonathan Goexz
November 19, 2024L Young Guns Ben CupelloJordan Cooper
October 15, 2024L@ Young Guns Ben CupelloZachary Young
October 8, 2024L Darts All Over Ben CupelloBrian Lewis
October 1, 2024L The Impeccable SixBen CupelloCherie Leblanc
September 24, 2024L@ Off In ChurchBen CupelloJonathan Goexz
September 17, 2024W Jagerbombers 2.0Ben CupelloChris Doner
September 3, 2024L@ Darts All Over Ben CupelloTyler Anderson

501 Doubles-1

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
February 25, 2025L@ Off In ChurchStan Ryba + Ben Cupello Ralph Berriault + John Wilson
January 21, 2025W Off In ChurchJason Grills + Ben Cupello Jonathan Goexz + Denis Manville
January 14, 2025L@ Jagerbombers 2.0Stan Ryba + Ben Cupello Chris Doner + Jon Barry
January 7, 2025L@ Young Guns Jason Grills + Ben Cupello Kyla Young + Bill Young
December 17, 2024W Darts All Over Stan Ryba + Ben Cupello Tyler Anderson + Dan Taylor
December 3, 2024W@ Off In ChurchShane Loney + Ben Cupello Denis Manville + Jonathan Goexz
November 19, 2024L Young Guns Jason Grills + Ben Cupello Kyla Young + Bill Young
October 15, 2024L@ Young Guns Ben Cupello + Shane Loney Bill Young + Monica Duarte
October 8, 2024W Darts All Over Stan Ryba + Ben Cupello Brian Lewis + Cynithia Gardiner
October 1, 2024L The Impeccable SixJason Grills + Ben Cupello Barb Bennett + Don Dimwoodie
September 24, 2024L@ Off In ChurchShane Loney + Ben Cupello John Wilson + Jonathan Goexz
September 17, 2024L Jagerbombers 2.0Shane Loney + Ben Cupello Wilf Lockyer + Chris Doner
September 3, 2024L@ Darts All Over Shane Loney + Ben Cupello Brian Lewis + Cynithia Gardiner

501 Doubles-2

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
February 25, 2025W@ Off In ChurchJason Grills + Ben Cupello John Wilson + Tammy Bryan
January 21, 2025L Off In ChurchJason Grills + Ben Cupello John Wilson + Jonathan Goexz
January 14, 2025W@ Jagerbombers 2.0Stan Ryba + Ben Cupello Jon Barry + Ray Heeley
January 14, 2025W@ Jagerbombers 2.0Shane Loney + Ben Cupello Holly Ferguson + Chris Doner
January 7, 2025L@ Young Guns Ben Cupello + Stan Ryba Bill Young + Jordan Cooper
December 17, 2024L Darts All Over Shane Loney + Ben Cupello Dan Taylor + Cynithia Gardiner
December 3, 2024L@ Off In ChurchBen Cupello + Shane Loney Jonathan Goexz + Ralph Berriault
November 19, 2024L Young Guns Jason Grills + Ben Cupello Bill Young + Jordan Cooper
October 15, 2024L@ Young Guns Ben Cupello + Stan Ryba Monica Duarte + Kyla Young
October 8, 2024L Darts All Over Jason Grills + Ben Cupello Tyler Anderson + Brian Lewis
October 1, 2024W The Impeccable SixJason Grills + Ben Cupello Don Dimwoodie + Barb Bennett
September 24, 2024L@ Off In ChurchShane Loney + Ben Cupello John Wilson + Jonathan Goexz
September 17, 2024L Jagerbombers 2.0Shane Loney + Ben Cupello Mandy Hunter + Ray Heeley
September 3, 2024W@ Darts All Over Shane Loney + Ben Cupello John Price + Cynithia Gardiner

 Historic Match-ups

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 Team Mates

501 Doubles-1

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Stan Ryba .500 4 2 2
Jason Grills .250 4 1 3
Shane Loney .200 5 1 4

501 Doubles-2

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Jason Grills .400 5 2 3
Shane Loney .333 6 2 4
Stan Ryba .333 3 1 2
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