Player Information
Name of Player | Current Team | Current Division | Current Point Total | Current Season |
Rod Fagan | Here For The Beer | 2nd | 17 |
Name of Player | Current Team | Current Division | Current Point Total | Current Season |
Rod Fagan | Here For The Beer | 2nd | 17 |
Category | Percentage | Overall Team | Overall Division | Overall League |
Weeks Played | 6 of 24 (.250) | 6th | 53rd | 182nd |
Total Points | 17 | 6th | 49th | 174th |
Total Wins | 8 of 15 (.533) | 6th | 50th | 177th |
Total All Stars | 1 | 5th | 30th | 79th |
701 teams | 1 of 3 (.333) | 6th | 56th | 96th |
601 Doubles 2 | 3 of 4 (.750) | 5th | 43rd | 77th |
501 Singles | 1 of 3 (.333) | 5th | 51st | 142nd |
401 Singles | 0 of 0 (.000) | 1st | 1st | 37th |
601 Team | 0 of 0 (.000) | 1st | 1st | 100th |
601 Doubles 1 | 3 of 5 (.600) | 6th | 44th | 79th |
501 Doubles 1 | 0 of 0 (.000) | 1st | 1st | 99th |
501 Doubles 2 | 0 of 0 (.000) | 1st | 1st | 100th |
All Stars Type | Total Hit | Best/Total Score | ||
High Score | 1 |
All Stars Type | Total Hit | Best/Total Score | ||
October 22, 2019 | ||||
High Score | 1 |
Current Streak | Best Streak | Worst Streak | ||
All Games | 2 Wins | 3 Undefeated | 4 Losses | |
701 teams | 2 Losses | 1 Win | 2 Losses | |
601 Doubles 2 | 1 Loss | 3 Undefeated | 1 Loss | |
501 Singles | 1 Loss | 1 Win | 1 Loss | |
401 Singles | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
601 Team | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
601 Doubles 1 | 2 Wins | 2 Wins | 2 Losses | |
501 Doubles 1 | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
501 Doubles 2 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
701 teams | ||||
Date | Result | Against | Player(s) | Opposition |
November 19, 2019 | L | @ Pushing Wires | Doug Macdonell + Rod Fagan + Rod Kavanagh | Tim Marsden + Simon LaPierre + Chris Mackee + Tom Datillo |
October 22, 2019 | L | Just One More Shot | Trevor Desjardins + Rod Fagan + Doug Macdonell + Rod Kavanagh | Chris Cousineau + Claudia Oliver + Tyrone Oliver + Penny Leatherdal |
September 24, 2019 | W | Hopefuls | Doug Macdonell + Rod Fagan + Trevor Desjardins + Steve Thompson | Bev Smith + Dan Tecca + Julie Jones + Lori Kelley + Mohamed Rafeek |
601 Doubles 2 | ||||
Date | Result | Against | Player(s) | Opposition |
November 19, 2019 | L | @ Pushing Wires | Doug Macdonell + Rod Fagan | Tim Marsden + Tom Datillo |
November 5, 2019 | W | Queens Ladies | Trevor Desjardins + Rod Fagan | Brendra Andrews + Denise Miller |
October 22, 2019 | W | Just One More Shot | Trevor Desjardins + Rod Fagan | Chris Cousineau + Tyrone Oliver |
September 24, 2019 | W | Hopefuls | Trevor Desjardins + Rod Fagan | Mohamed Rafeek + Dan Tecca |
501 Singles | ||||
Date | Result | Against | Player(s) | Opposition |
November 19, 2019 | L | @ Pushing Wires | Rod Fagan | Chris Mackee |
October 22, 2019 | W | Just One More Shot | Rod Fagan | Claudia Oliver |
September 24, 2019 | L | Hopefuls | Rod Fagan | Dan Tecca |
601 Doubles 1 | ||||
Date | Result | Against | Player(s) | Opposition |
December 17, 2019 | W | T.M.M.C | Trevor Desjardins + Rod Fagan | Jim Maxwell + Sue Courts |
December 3, 2019 | W | @ T.M.M.C | Rod Fagan + Trevor Desjardins | Micheal Boileau + Sue Courts |
November 19, 2019 | L | @ Pushing Wires | Rod Fagan + Doug Macdonell | Tim Marsden + Simon LaPierre |
October 22, 2019 | L | Just One More Shot | Rod Fagan + Rod Kavanagh | Claudia Oliver + Tyrone Oliver |
September 24, 2019 | W | Hopefuls | Trevor Desjardins + Rod Fagan | Lori Kelley + Bev Smith |
701 teams | ||||
Team Mate | Winning Percentage | Games Played | Games Won | Games Lost |
Doug Macdonell + Steve Thompson + Trevor Desjardins | 1.000 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Rod Kavanagh + Doug Macdonell | 0.000 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Rod Kavanagh + Doug Macdonell + Trevor Desjardins | 0.000 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
601 Doubles 2 | ||||
Team Mate | Winning Percentage | Games Played | Games Won | Games Lost |
Trevor Desjardins | 1.000 | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Doug Macdonell | 0.000 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
601 Doubles 1 | ||||
Team Mate | Winning Percentage | Games Played | Games Won | Games Lost |
Trevor Desjardins | 1.000 | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Rod Kavanagh | 0.000 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Doug Macdonell | 0.000 | 1 | 0 | 1 |