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Pos Name Team Name WP GP 301SOSLegs301%DCrktLegsD5Legs PPW AS SharpCkt SSTot SSHiInHiInHHiOutHiOutHC5C6C7C8C9B3B4B5B610Drt9Dart3Bed180 AVG PTS
1Ray SmithKnights of Columbus 1263-30.6563-30.5001-51-55-15-14.53100220320000011000000000000.5009
2Rui NorteKnights of Columbus 1383-60.6173-60.3331-81-84-24-22.6764281205481920001000000000000.3338
2Levy NabongKnights of Columbus 1262-40.5002-40.3331-51-55-15-143100225325000000000110000000.4448
4Stormy HilongosKnights of Columbus 1131-20.8891-20.3330-30-33-03-042140120260000001000000000000.4444
4Ed HortaKnights of Columbus 1132-10.8672-10.6671-21-21-21-246299300599000010000200000000.4444
6Ken BoczkusKnights of Columbus 1241-20.3331-20.3330-30-31-51-5111060106000000000000000000.1672
7Don PetersonKnights of Columbus 1130-30.8220-3000000-30-31-21-2111000100000000000000000000.1111

WP - Weeks Played
301 - Singles 301
DCrkt - Doubles Cricket
D5 - Doubles 501(new)
PPW - Points per Week
AS - Total All Stars Hit
Sharp - Sharpshooters
HiIn - High In
HiOut - High Out
C5 - C5
C6 - C6
C7 - C7
C8 - C8
C9 - C9
B3 - B3
B4 - B4
B5 - B5
B6 - B6
10Drt - 10 Dart Game
9Dart - 9 Dart Game
3Bed - Three in a Bed
180 - 180's
PTS - Points
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