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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Shawn Bonifant Absolutely Jager Division 1 68

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 6 of 14 (.429) 4th 41st 81st
Total Points 68 3rd 34th 47th
Total Wins 13 of 29 (.448) 3rd 38th 63rd
Doubles Cricket Match 1 (A)2 of 4 (.500)2nd18th40th
Singles Cork Call match 1 (A)0 of 2 (0.000)3rd27th50th
Team 701 (A)3 of 5 (.600)3rd34th66th
Doubles Chicago Match 1 (A)2 of 5 (.400)2nd20th20th
Doubles 501 Match 1 (A)2 of 4 (.500)1st19th36th
Singles Cork Call match 2 (A)0 of 1 (0.000)3rd25th50th
Singles Cork Call match 3 (A)1 of 1 (1.000)2nd17th36th
Singles Cork Call match 4 (A)2 of 2 (1.000)2nd9th17th
Doubles 501 Match 2 (A)0 of 2 (0.000)4th38th76th
Doubles Chicago Match 2 (A)0 of 1 (0.000)4th34th35th
Doubles Cricket Match 2 (A)1 of 2 (.500)3rd29th54th

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
# Of Check Darts N/A17  
01 PointsN/A27  
Cricket PointsN/A41  

 All Stars Details

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
October 3, 2017
# Of Check Darts 3  
01 Points6  
Cricket Points8  
September 26, 2017
# Of Check Darts 5  
01 Points5  
Cricket Points12  
September 19, 2017
# Of Check Darts 1  
01 Points6  
Cricket Points5  
September 12, 2017
# Of Check Darts 4  
01 Points6  
Cricket Points6  
September 5, 2017
# Of Check Darts 4  
01 Points4  
Cricket Points10  


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games5 Losses7 Undefeated6 Losses 
Doubles Cricket Match 1 (A)2 Losses2 Undefeated2 Losses 
Singles Cork Call match 1 (A)2 LossesN/A2 Losses 
Team 701 (A)1 Loss2 Undefeated1 Loss 
Doubles Chicago Match 1 (A)1 Loss1 Win1 Loss 
Doubles 501 Match 1 (A)2 Losses2 Undefeated2 Losses 
Singles Cork Call match 2 (A)1 LossN/A1 Loss 
Singles Cork Call match 3 (A)1 Win1 WinN/A 
Singles Cork Call match 4 (A)2 Wins2 WinsN/A 
Doubles 501 Match 2 (A)2 LossesN/A2 Losses 
Doubles Chicago Match 2 (A)1 LossN/A1 Loss 
Doubles Cricket Match 2 (A)1 Loss1 Win1 Loss 

 Match Details & Results

Doubles Cricket Match 1 (A)

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
October 17, 2017L@ OutlawsShawn Bonifant + Jason Yocum Dave Richards + Cody Barrett
September 19, 2017L U Never KnowShawn Bonifant + Craig Sabol Bill Estep + Mitchell Lefeged
September 12, 2017W On A BenderShawn Bonifant + Jason Yocum Chris Kortsis
September 5, 2017W Mountaineers From HellShawn Bonifant + Jim Karoly H.D Boyd + Philip Bohrer

Singles Cork Call match 1 (A)

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
October 17, 2017L@ OutlawsShawn BonifantMorgan McDonald
September 12, 2017L On A BenderShawn BonifantChris Kortsis

Team 701 (A)

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
October 17, 2017L@ OutlawsCraig Sabol + Jim Karoly + Shawn Bonifant + Jason Yocum Morgan McDonald + Gary Hintz + Cody Barrett + Devin Faircloth
October 3, 2017W The Dreaded 26'sJim Karoly + Craig Sabol + Shawn Bonifant Pat Salvango + Mike Simonds + Brett Rosenthal + Seth Staley
September 26, 2017W@ Sam & Jake's Salmon CakesGary Freedman + Craig Sabol + Jim Karoly + Shawn Bonifant Jesse Zirk + Mikel Seckman + Dave Henry + Carl Pleasants
September 19, 2017L U Never KnowJim Karoly + Shawn Bonifant + Craig Sabol + Jason Yocum Mitchell Lefeged + Brian Brewer + Bernard Thompson + Bill Estep
September 5, 2017W Mountaineers From HellJim Karoly + Craig Sabol + Shawn Bonifant Philip Bohrer + Clint Brown + H.D Boyd

Doubles Chicago Match 1 (A)

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
October 17, 2017L@ OutlawsShawn Bonifant + Jason Yocum Dave Richards + Morgan McDonald
September 26, 2017W@ Sam & Jake's Salmon CakesShawn Bonifant + Craig Sabol Jake Keefauver + Carl Pleasants
September 19, 2017L U Never KnowShawn Bonifant + Craig Sabol Mitchell Lefeged + Bill Estep
September 12, 2017W On A BenderCraig Sabol + Shawn Bonifant Matt Secrist
September 5, 2017L Mountaineers From HellShawn Bonifant + Craig Sabol Philip Bohrer + H.D Boyd

Doubles 501 Match 1 (A)

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
October 17, 2017L@ OutlawsJason Yocum + Shawn Bonifant Devin Faircloth + Cody Barrett
September 19, 2017L U Never KnowShawn Bonifant + Craig Sabol Bill Estep + Brian Brewer
September 12, 2017W On A BenderShawn Bonifant + Jason Yocum Matt Secrist
September 5, 2017W Mountaineers From HellShawn Bonifant + Jim Karoly H.D Boyd + Philip Bohrer

Singles Cork Call match 2 (A)

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
September 19, 2017L U Never KnowShawn BonifantMitchell Lefeged

Singles Cork Call match 3 (A)

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
September 5, 2017W Mountaineers From HellShawn BonifantH.D Boyd

Singles Cork Call match 4 (A)

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
October 3, 2017W The Dreaded 26'sShawn BonifantMike Simonds
September 26, 2017W@ Sam & Jake's Salmon CakesShawn BonifantDave Henry

Doubles 501 Match 2 (A)

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
October 3, 2017L The Dreaded 26'sJim Karoly + Shawn Bonifant Pat Salvango + Seth Staley
September 26, 2017L@ Sam & Jake's Salmon CakesShawn Bonifant + Craig Sabol Mikel Seckman + Dave Henry

Doubles Chicago Match 2 (A)

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
October 3, 2017L The Dreaded 26'sJim Karoly + Shawn Bonifant Pat Salvango + Seth Staley

Doubles Cricket Match 2 (A)

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
October 3, 2017L The Dreaded 26'sJim Karoly + Shawn Bonifant Bryan Calendine + Mike Simonds
September 26, 2017W@ Sam & Jake's Salmon CakesShawn Bonifant + Craig Sabol Mikel Seckman + Dave Henry

 Historic Match-ups

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 Team Mates

Doubles Cricket Match 1 (A)

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Jim Karoly 1.000 1 1 0
Jason Yocum .500 2 1 1
Craig Sabol 0.000 1 0 1

Team 701 (A)

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Craig Sabol + Jim Karoly 1.000 2 2 0
Craig Sabol + Jim Karoly + Gary Freedman 1.000 1 1 0
Craig Sabol + Jim Karoly + Jason Yocum 0.000 2 0 2

Doubles Chicago Match 1 (A)

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Craig Sabol .500 4 2 2
Jason Yocum 0.000 1 0 1

Doubles 501 Match 1 (A)

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Jim Karoly 1.000 1 1 0
Jason Yocum .500 2 1 1
Craig Sabol 0.000 1 0 1

Doubles 501 Match 2 (A)

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Craig Sabol 0.000 1 0 1
Jim Karoly 0.000 1 0 1

Doubles Chicago Match 2 (A)

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Jim Karoly 0.000 1 0 1

Doubles Cricket Match 2 (A)

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Craig Sabol 1.000 1 1 0
Jim Karoly 0.000 1 0 1
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