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Pos Name Team Name WP 301SOSDCR501 PPW AS TONRO'sH-InH-OutRO-9180RO-6CLDG AVG PTS
1Al KopekArrows76-10.4524-33-44.141612852700000N/A0.61929
2John ListonArrows54-10.5525-03-255440400000N/A0.80025
3Kevin FrenchArrows54-10.3755-02-24.82217000000N/A0.78624
4Tony BarlettaArrows63-30.5685-13-33.675433700000N/A0.61122
5Joe GibbonsArrows52-20.5814-10-42.8532501020000N/A0.46214
6Joe KealosArrows32-10.2672-12-142205000000N/A0.66712
7Mike BarcellosArrows52-30.3461-33-22.21001120000N/A0.42911
8Rich PediArrows61-40.5382-22-31.52251000000N/A0.3579

WP - Weeks Played
301 - Singles 301
DCR - Doubles Cricket
501 - Team 501
PPW - Points per Week
AS - Total All Stars Hit
TON - Ton's
RO's - RO's
H-In - High In
H-Out - High Out
RO-9 - RO-9
180 - 180
RO-6C - RO 6 - Cork
LDG - Low Dart Game
PTS - Points
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