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         Print Standings
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 Monday Subdivision A1
Team Win-Loss WLT Last 5 AVG PTS
Queenz Seven 1 Eight'y21-31-0-0W.87521
007 Squad14-101-0-0W.58314
Collateral Damage13-111-0-0W.54213
Another Round13-111-0-0W.54213
Check the Rule Book11-130-1-0L.45811
Darts All Folks!11-130-1-0L.45811
The Pursuit of Abbeyness10-140-1-0L.41710
Average Jack3-210-1-0L.1253
* There were penalties or bonuses awarded. Please check the bottom of the page for information.


 Monday Week 14 All Stars
There were no all stars found for this week