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 Playoff Match Result

Home Team Total Wins Total Wins Away Team
Pirates II 3 8 Cav's RH I - Sandbagging SOBs

 Match Breakdown

801 Triples S/D 1/1

Home Lineup and Pairings Won/Lost Won/Lost Opposing Lineup and Pairings
Eddie Smith, Jr +Tony Abrante +Kevin KolatoszWLGreg Kodz +John Hollinger +Bradley Davis
Stan Makarewicz +Aggie Osano +Kevin KolatoszLWRon Marks +Paul Kuhn +Justin Williams, Esq.

601 Doubles S/D 1/1

Home Lineup and Pairings Won/Lost Won/Lost Opposing Lineup and Pairings
Eddie Smith, Jr +Tony AbranteLWGreg Kodz +Tom Felder
Stan Makarewicz +Aggie OsanoLWRon Marks +Paul Kuhn

301 Doubles D/D 2/3

Home Lineup and Pairings Won/Lost Won/Lost Opposing Lineup and Pairings
Eddie Smith, Jr +Tony Abrante02Greg Kodz +Tom Felder
Tony Abrante +Ed Whalin02Ron Marks +John Hollinger
  +     + 

501 Singles S/D 2/3

Home Lineup and Pairings Won/Lost Won/Lost Opposing Lineup and Pairings
Eddie Smith, Jr12Greg Kodz
Tony Abrante20Tom Felder

Cricket Doubles 1/1

Home Lineup and Pairings Won/Lost Won/Lost Opposing Lineup and Pairings
Eddie Smith, Jr +Kevin KolatoszWLGreg Kodz +John Hollinger
Tony Abrante +Ed WhalinLWTom Felder +Ron Marks
  +     + 

701 Quads D/D 1/1

Home Lineup and Pairings Won/Lost Won/Lost Opposing Lineup and Pairings
Tony Abrante +Aggie Osano +Kevin Kolatosz +Ed WhalinLWJohn Hollinger +Paul Kuhn +Kristin Wells +Justin Williams, Esq.

Cricket Singles 1/1

Home Lineup and Pairings Won/Lost Won/Lost Opposing Lineup and Pairings