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 Match Result

Away Team Total Wins Total Wins Home Team
Knick Scabs 7 10 Jokers KillShot

 All Stars

Away Team  All Stars   All Stars  Home Team
Knick Scabs 17 19 Jokers KillShot

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Tony DrakoulakosRO's15
Tony DrakoulakosHat Trick1 
Tom Butter NewcombRO's121
Tom Butter NewcombTons1200
Ryan KnoxRO's122
Ryan KnoxTons1340
Mark RipleyRO's118
Mark RipleyTons1239
Steve MuiseRO's123
Steve MuiseLow Dart 301112
Steve MuiseTons1215
Jim OrleansRO's128
Jim OrleansTons1300
Rich GingrasHigh Out1105
Rich GingrasRO's120
Rich GingrasLow Dart 30119
Rich GingrasTons1205
Paul LamoureuxRO's15
Paul LamoureuxTons1100
Adam BellevilleHigh In1120
Adam BellevilleRO's136
Adam BellevilleLow Dart 301112
Adam BellevilleTons1320
Bryan ComtoisRO's117
Bryan ComtoisTons1100
Garry TowleTons1200
Brandon NewcombRO's123
Brandon NewcombTons1133
Tom Curtin180's1 
Tom CurtinRO's151
Tom CurtinTons Hot Hand1800
Tom CurtinTons1800
Tom CurtinRo's Hot Hand151
Stephen TompkinsTons1100
Bryan PereiraRO's115
Bryan PereiraTons1341