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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Nick Spanos PSC Midnight Tokers C1 51

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 10 of 10 (1.000) 1st 1st 1st
Total Points 51 1st 7th 42nd
Total Wins 28 of 48 (.583) 1st 9th 53rd
601 Triples3 of 10 (.300)5th30th187th
Cricket Doubles7 of 10 (.700)1st3rd28th
3017 of 10 (.700)1st4th22nd
Patriot Doubles7 of 10 (.700)1st4th19th
501 Doubles4 of 8 (.500)1st19th113rd

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
Total All Stars N/A14  
Total TonsN/A1321  

 All Stars Details

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
November 30, 2011
Total All Stars 1  
Total Tons100  
November 9, 2011
Total All Stars 1  
Total Tons100  
November 2, 2011
Total All Stars 1  
Total Tons100  
October 26, 2011
Total All Stars 4  
Total Tons260  
October 12, 2011
Total All Stars 1  
Total Tons121  
September 28, 2011
Total All Stars 2  
Total Tons240  
September 21, 2011
Total All Stars 2  
Total Tons200  
September 14, 2011
Total All Stars 2  
Total Tons200  


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games1 Win5 Undefeated3 Losses 
601 Triples3 Losses2 Undefeated3 Losses 
Cricket Doubles5 Wins5 Wins2 Losses 
3013 Wins4 Undefeated3 Losses 
Patriot Doubles2 Wins5 Undefeated2 without a win 
501 Doubles1 Loss1 Win1 Loss 

 Match Details & Results

601 Triples

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 30, 2011L Knickerbocker ScabsNick Spanos + Dave Ayotte + Dave Belanger Jerry Jutras + Junior Bergeron + Darren Leclercq
November 16, 2011L@ Crackers EliminatorsNick Spanos + Dave Ayotte + Anthony Marchese Dave Ouelette + Jerry Suprenant + Butch Langlois
November 9, 2011L Bucks Trippin' Aint EasyDave Ayotte + Nick Spanos + Anthony Marchese Mike Prescott + Edwin Andrades + Mike Winitzer
November 2, 2011W@ Nab High on the PondNick Spanos + Dave Belanger + Anthony Marchese Jon Arden
October 26, 2011L@ Pav Fat HubersNick Spanos + Dave Ayotte + Jesse Tharpe Steve Muise + Steve Wells + Jay Ponte
October 12, 2011L@ Knickerbocker ScabsNick Spanos + Nick Fraize + Jesse Tharpe Jerry Jutras + Junior Bergeron + Tom Feeney
October 5, 2011L Crackers EliminatorsNick Spanos + Jesse Tharpe + Chris Richards Dave Ouelette + Dave Leriche + Chuck Pinard
September 28, 2011W@ Bucks Trippin' Aint EasyNick Spanos + Jesse Tharpe + Nick Fraize Mike Prescott + Mike Winitzer + Saul Rodriguez
September 21, 2011W Nab High on the PondNick Spanos + Jesse Tharpe + Chris Richards Paul Repoza + Mike Repoza + Melaney Arden
September 14, 2011L Pav Fat HubersNick Spanos + Dave Ayotte + Nick Fraize Steve Wells + Joe Babineau + John Saad

Cricket Doubles

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 30, 2011W Knickerbocker ScabsDave Ayotte + Nick Spanos Darren Leclercq + Joe Gould
November 16, 2011W@ Crackers EliminatorsNick Spanos + Jesse Tharpe Dave Ouelette + Dave Leriche
November 9, 2011W Bucks Trippin' Aint EasyNick Spanos + Dave Ayotte Don Ouellette + Mike Winitzer
November 2, 2011W@ Nab High on the PondDave Ayotte + Nick Spanos
October 26, 2011W@ Pav Fat HubersJesse Tharpe + Nick Spanos Steve Muise + Rob Muise
October 12, 2011L@ Knickerbocker ScabsJesse Tharpe + Nick Spanos Jerry Jutras + Junior Bergeron
October 5, 2011L Crackers EliminatorsNick Spanos + Dave Ayotte Dave Ouelette + Dave Leriche
September 28, 2011W@ Bucks Trippin' Aint EasyDave Ayotte + Nick Spanos Don Ouellette + Edwin Andrades
September 21, 2011L Nab High on the PondChris Richards + Nick Spanos Amir Alasady + Paul Repoza
September 14, 2011W Pav Fat HubersNick Spanos + Chris Richards Steve Muise + Rob Muise


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 30, 2011W Knickerbocker ScabsNick SpanosJoe Gould
November 16, 2011W@ Crackers EliminatorsNick SpanosCliff Usher
November 9, 2011W Bucks Trippin' Aint EasyNick SpanosKim Remick
November 2, 2011L@ Nab High on the PondNick SpanosRandy Masson
October 26, 2011L@ Pav Fat HubersNick SpanosJoe Babineau
October 12, 2011L@ Knickerbocker ScabsNick SpanosJunior Bergeron
October 5, 2011W Crackers EliminatorsNick SpanosDave Leriche
September 28, 2011W@ Bucks Trippin' Aint EasyNick SpanosSaul Rodriguez
September 21, 2011W Nab High on the PondNick SpanosMike Repoza
September 14, 2011W Pav Fat HubersNick SpanosJoe Babineau

Patriot Doubles

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 30, 2011W Knickerbocker ScabsNick Spanos + Chris Richards Butch Abbott + Tom Feeney
November 16, 2011W@ Crackers EliminatorsNick Spanos + Nick Fraize Dave Ouelette + Chuck Pinard
November 9, 2011L Bucks Trippin' Aint EasyNick Spanos + Chris Richards Don Ouellette + Isaias Rodriguez Jr.
November 2, 2011W@ Nab High on the PondNick Spanos + Anthony Marchese Randy Masson + Tom Arsenault
October 26, 2011W@ Pav Fat HubersNick Spanos + Nick Fraize Steve Muise + Rob Muise
October 12, 2011W@ Knickerbocker ScabsAnthony Marchese + Nick Spanos Darren Leclercq + Tom Feeney
October 5, 2011W Crackers EliminatorsNick Spanos + Chris Richards Chuck Pinard + Jim Flynn
September 28, 2011W@ Bucks Trippin' Aint EasyNick Spanos + Nick Fraize Mike Winitzer + Mike Prescott
September 21, 2011L Nab High on the PondDave Belanger + Nick Spanos Paul Repoza + Melaney Arden
September 14, 2011L Pav Fat HubersNick Spanos + Chris Richards Jay Ponte + Rob Muise

501 Doubles

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 30, 2011L Knickerbocker ScabsNick Spanos + Anthony Marchese Jerry Jutras + Junior Bergeron
November 16, 2011W@ Crackers EliminatorsDave Ayotte + Nick Spanos Cliff Usher + Butch Langlois
November 9, 2011L Bucks Trippin' Aint EasyNick Spanos + Nick Fraize Don Ouellette + Mike Winitzer
November 2, 2011W@ Nab High on the PondNick Spanos + Nick Fraize
October 26, 2011L@ Pav Fat HubersDave Ayotte + Nick Spanos Joe Babineau + Steve Muise
October 12, 2011W@ Knickerbocker ScabsNick Spanos + Anthony Marchese Tom Feeney + Joe Gould
October 5, 2011L Crackers EliminatorsJesse Tharpe + Nick Spanos Dave Leriche + Chuck Pinard
September 28, 2011W@ Bucks Trippin' Aint EasyJesse Tharpe + Nick Spanos Mark Grimshaw + Edwin Andrades

 Historic Match-ups

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 Team Mates

601 Triples

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Dave Belanger + Anthony Marchese 1.000 1 1 0
Jesse Tharpe + Nick Fraize .500 2 1 1
Jesse Tharpe + Chris Richards .500 2 1 1
Dave Ayotte + Anthony Marchese 0.000 2 0 2
Jesse Tharpe + Dave Ayotte 0.000 1 0 1
Dave Ayotte + Nick Fraize 0.000 1 0 1
Dave Ayotte + Dave Belanger 0.000 1 0 1

Cricket Doubles

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Dave Ayotte .800 5 4 1
Jesse Tharpe .667 3 2 1
Chris Richards .500 2 1 1

Patriot Doubles

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Nick Fraize 1.000 3 3 0
Anthony Marchese 1.000 2 2 0
Chris Richards .500 4 2 2
Dave Belanger 0.000 1 0 1

501 Doubles

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Jesse Tharpe .500 2 1 1
Dave Ayotte .500 2 1 1
Nick Fraize .500 2 1 1
Anthony Marchese .500 2 1 1
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