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 Match Result

Away Team Total Wins Total Wins Home Team
RCL 345-The Way Out 7 5 RCL Br#73 Bombers

 Match Breakdown

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Doubles 601

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Ron Mercado +Steve FullerLWJohn McIntyre +Vassel Dill
Ron Mercado +Todd RobertsonWLAnn Butterfied +Gary Flannery
Rick Lum +Rhonda McBrideWLSusan Hine + 

Doubles Cricket

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Ray Mercado +Todd RobertsonLWGary Flannery +Vassel Dill
Rick Lum +Steve FullerWLAnn Butterfied +Susan Hine
Ron Mercado +Rhonda McBrideWLJohn McIntyre + 

Singles 01

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Ray MercadoWLJohn McIntyre
Todd RobertsonWLAnn Butterfied
Ron MercadoLWVassel Dill
Steve FullerLWGary Flannery
Rick LumLWSusan Hine
Rhonda McBrideWL 

 All Stars

Away Team  All Stars   All Stars  Home Team
RCL 345-The Way Out 2 3 RCL Br#73 Bombers

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Susan Hine121 to 1791 
Todd Robertson121 to 1791 
Ann Butterfied121 to 1791 
Vassel Dill121 to 1791 
Ray Mercado121 to 1791