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Team SSSSS Win-Loss WLT D01DCrktS01 Last 5 Average Points
Branch#258 The Betrayed6-610-27-56-66-6109-598-3-326-1628-1455-29TWWTT.649113*
RCL Br#73 - Grizzy Bears6-68-46-68-48-4101-679-2-324-1830-1247-37TWTWW.601106*
RCL Br# 73 - The Darty Bastards8-47-58-44-86-685-836-4-421-2126-1638-46WWWLT.50690*
RCL Br#345 Warriors8-4†4-87-55-78-477-915-7-214-2816-2647-37WLWLW.45881*
No Bull-S-hit4-8†4-84-86-64-876-924-9-118-2415-2743-41LLLTL.45279*
RCL 73-Dazed and Confused5-78-46-66-64-873-954-7-323-1917-2533-51LWTTL.43575*
RCL Br#345 Jaft4-82-105-76-64-860-1082-11-112-3014-2834-50LLLTL.35765*
* There were penalties or bonuses awarded. Please check the bottom of the page for information.
† in the weekly scores denotes the match score has been entered but the game details have not.

Team SSSSS Win-Loss WLT D01DCrktS01 Last 5 Average Points
RCL Br#258 Amigos 8-39-310-29-3108-3511-0-129-728-851-20WWWWW.755113*
RCL Br#345 - Direct Hit10-2 10-25-73-989-558-3-122-1425-1142-30WWLLL.61894*
RCL 345-The Way Out8-49-310-2 6-691-537-3-218-1824-1249-23WWWTW.63294*
Triple Threat6-63-93-97-59-381-636-4-220-1622-1439-33TLLWW.56386*
RCL Br#73 Bombers6-610-2 7-56-660-824-6-216-2014-2230-40TWWTL.42365*
RCL Br#73 - Almost There4-83-82-105-73-947-942-10-015-2110-2622-47LLLLL.33352*
Dart Side of The Moon2-102-102-102-10 24-1180-12-06-303-3315-55LLLLL.16927*
* There were penalties or bonuses awarded. Please check the bottom of the page for information.


 SCDL All Stars
7 All Stars
Player Team Division All Star Score
Oliver MagbuhosBranch#258 The BetrayedB1121 to 179x6
   HF 100+111
4 All Stars
Player Team Division All Star Score
Dave EvelyRCL Br# 73 - The Darty BastardsB1121 to 179x3
Darrell HoylesRCL Br#73 - Grizzy BearsB1121 to 179x3
   HF 100+100
Alan WestRCL Br#73 - Grizzy BearsB1121 to 179x2
   HF 100+108
3 All Stars
Player Team Division All Star Score
Scott HopfRCL Br#73 - Almost ThereB2121 to 179x3
2 All Stars
Player Team Division All Star Score
Scott AdamsonRCL Br#345 - Direct HitB2121 to 179x2
Chris BartonDartAholicsB1121 to 179x2
Donald BeharryDartAholicsB1121 to 179x1
Andy BlanchardRCL Br#345 JaftB1121 to 179x2
Kenny ChaseDartAholicsB1121 to 179x2
Ryan DempsterDartAholicsB1121 to 179x2
Vassel DillRCL Br#73 BombersB2121 to 179x2
Dan KarkoulasRCL Br#73 - Grizzy BearsB1121 to 179x2
Mark KingsonRCL Br# 73 - The Darty BastardsB1121 to 179x1
Heath WagnerRCL Br#345 - Direct HitB2121 to 179x2
1 All Star
Player Team Division All Star Score
Nicole BoudreaultRCL Br#73 - Almost ThereB2121 to 179x1
Ann ButterfiedRCL Br#73 BombersB2121 to 179x1
Myles CampbellDartAholicsB1121 to 179x1
Wanda CampbellRCL Br# 73 - The Darty BastardsB17,87
Teddy ChavezBranch#258 The BetrayedB17,87
Greg GreeleyBranch#258 The BetrayedB1121 to 179x1
Sue HollettRCL Br#345 - Direct HitB2121 to 179x1
Lionel JohnsonTriple ThreatB2121 to 179x1
Jonathan LevelyRCL 73-Dazed and ConfusedB1121 to 179x1
Doug MainRCL Br#345 JaftB1121 to 179x1
John McIntyreRCL Br#73 BombersB2121 to 179x1
Steve OliverBranch#258 The BetrayedB1121 to 179x1
Todd RobertsonRCL 345-The Way OutB2121 to 179x1
Justin RosaBranch#258 The BetrayedB1121 to 179x1
Garrett SkrljDart Side of The MoonB2121 to 179x1
Stephney TedescoRCL Br#73 - Grizzy BearsB1121 to 179x1
Vallabh ThakkarDart Side of The MoonB2121 to 179x1
Jay VigilanteRCL 73-Dazed and ConfusedB1121 to 179x1

Division Team Bonus Date Bonus Reason
B1Branch#258 The Betrayed2024-11-281Captains meeting
B2Dart Side of The Moon2024-11-281Captains meeting
B1DartAholics2024-11-281Captains Meeting
B1No Bull-S-hit2024-11-281Captains Meeting
B1RCL Br# 73 - The Darty Bastards2024-11-281Captains Meeting
B2RCL Br#258 Amigos2024-11-281Captains Meeting
B1RCL Br#345 Warriors2024-11-281Captains Meeting
B2RCL Br#345 - Direct Hit2024-11-281Captains Meeting
B1RCL Br#345 Jaft2024-11-281Captians Meeting
B2RCL Br#73 - Almost There2024-11-281Captains Meeting
B1RCL Br#73 - Grizzy Bears2024-11-281Captains Meeting
B2RCL Br#73 Bombers2024-11-281Captains Meeting
B2Triple Threat2024-11-281Captains Meeting
B1Branch#258 The Betrayed2024-10-241Captians meeting
B2Dart Side of The Moon2024-10-241Captains meeting
B1DartAholics2024-10-241Captains meeting
B1RCL Br# 73 - The Darty Bastards2024-10-241Captains meeting
B2RCL Br#258 Amigos2024-10-241Captians meeting
B1RCL Br#345 Warriors2024-10-241Captains meeting
B2RCL Br#345 - Direct Hit2024-10-241Captains meeting
B1RCL Br#345 Jaft2024-10-241Captains meeting
B2RCL Br#73 - Almost There2024-10-241Captains meeting
B1RCL Br#73 - Grizzy Bears2024-10-241Captains meeting
B2RCL Br#73 Bombers2024-10-241Captains meeting
B2Triple Threat2024-10-241Captains meeting
B1Branch#258 The Betrayed2024-09-052GM Meeting
B2Dart Side of The Moon2024-09-051GM Meeting
B1DartAholics2024-09-052GM Meeting
B1No Bull-S-hit2024-09-052GM Meeting
B2RCL 345-The Way Out2024-09-053GM Meeting
B1RCL 73-Dazed and Confused2024-09-052GM Meeting
B1RCL Br# 73 - The Darty Bastards2024-09-053GM Meeting
B2RCL Br#258 Amigos2024-09-053GM Meeting
B1RCL Br#345 Warriors2024-09-052GM Meeting
B2RCL Br#345 - Direct Hit2024-09-053GM Meeting
B1RCL Br#345 Jaft2024-09-053GM Meeting
B2RCL Br#73 - Almost There2024-09-053GM Meeting
B1RCL Br#73 - Grizzy Bears2024-09-053GM Meeting
B2RCL Br#73 Bombers2024-09-053GM Meeting
B2Triple Threat2024-09-053GM Meeting