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Pos Name Team Name WP D01DCrktS01SOSPPT W/L PPW AS 1217,87,8H99H1806 B6 BH170F170FH100F100FH5 B AVG PTS
2Barry LosnignorRCL Br#345 Jaft2415-813-1014-70.455042-257.8834294800100000000.627189
3Alex GoodyearRCL Br#345 Jaft2712-1010-1412-110.478034-355.2215132700000000000.493141
4lloyd GoodyearRCL Br#345 Jaft2210-87-1212-70.502029-275.681412170000000110500.518125
5Bill WhitfieldRCL Br#345 Jaft2411-69-107-110.530027-274.7518161700100000000.500114
6Doug MainRCL Br#345 Jaft269-95-1410-130.533024-364.2719181700000000000.400111
7Steve SiskopoulosRCL Br#345 Jaft2710-113-108-140.447021-353.11550000000000000.37584
8Irene RussellRCL Br#345 Jaft206-97-74-30.405017-193.05220000000000000.47261
9Kim MoncktonRCL Br#345 Jaft111-51-51-40.45803-141000000000000000.17611

WP - Weeks Played
D01 - Doubles 601
DCrkt - Doubles Cricket
S01 - Singles 01
PPW - Points per Week
AS - Total All Stars Hit
121 - 121 to 179
7,8 - 7,8
9 - 9
180 - 180
6 B - 6 Bulls
170F - 170 Finish
100F - HF 100+
5 B - 5 Bulls
PTS - Points
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