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 Match Result

Home Team Total Wins Total Wins Away Team
Celtic Club - Chris 9 7 R.C.L. Br 609 - Bryan

 All Stars

Home Team  All Stars   All Stars  Away Team
Celtic Club - Chris 10 7 R.C.L. Br 609 - Bryan

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Chris Brake1-High Scores1 
Peter Valentini6-1801 
Peter Valentini1-High Scores1 
Khadar Ajodha6-1801 
Khadar Ajodha1-High Scores2 
Wade Henderson1-High Scores1 
Wade Henderson4-Cricket - 3 Bulls / 9C1 
Jeff Burns6-1801 
Jamie Brake1-High Scores1 
John Hillhouse2-Cricket - 7C / 8C1 
Oswin Correia2-Cricket - 7C / 8C1 
Merwyn Fernandez3-High Finish1147
James Scott6-1801 
James Scott1-High Scores2 
Warren D’Mello1-High Scores1