Match Result
Home Team | Total Wins | Total Wins | Away Team |
Keltic Rock - Denise | 5 | 11 | Spot One - Jason |
Match Breakdown
Doubles - Cricket | ||||
Home Lineup and Pairings | Score | Score | Away Lineup and Pairings | |
Allison Lucas +Ken Glandfield | L | W | Andrew Burrows +Scott Anderson | |
Frenchie Maillet +Ian Wooder | L | W | Justin Labelle +Jason Atchison | |
Keith Parkes +Connor Parkes | W | L | Sean Winter +Bhupesh Mistry | |
Denise Parkes +Sherry Van Destouwe | L | W | Jamie Dennison +Andrew O'Hare | |
Doubles - 601 | ||||
Home Lineup and Pairings | Score | Score | Away Lineup and Pairings | |
Allison Lucas +Ken Glandfield | L | W | Andrew Burrows +Jason Atchison | |
Frenchie Maillet +Ian Wooder | L | W | Sean Winter +Jamie Dennison | |
Keith Parkes +Connor Parkes | W | L | Justin Labelle +Scott Anderson | |
Denise Parkes +Sherry Van Destouwe | L | W | Bhupesh Mistry +Nate Westerveld | |
Singles - 501 | ||||
Home Lineup and Pairings | Score | Score | Away Lineup and Pairings | |
Frenchie Maillet | L | W | Scott Anderson | |
Ken Glandfield | W | L | Mike Westerveld | |
Connor Parkes | L | W | Andrew Burrows | |
Sherry Van Destouwe | L | W | Sean Winter | |
Ian Wooder | L | W | Jamie Dennison | |
Keith Parkes | W | L | Justin Labelle | |
Denise Parkes | W | L | Nate Westerveld | |
Allison Lucas | L | W | Jason Atchison | |
All Stars
Home Team | All Stars | All Stars | Away Team |
Keltic Rock - Denise | 2 | 2 | Spot One - Jason |
All Star Breakdown
All Stars | ||||
Name of Player | All Star Type | # Hit | Throw Score | |
Jamie Dennison | 2-Cricket - 7C / 8C | 1 | ||
Bhupesh Mistry | 4-Cricket - 3 Bulls / 9C | 1 | ||
Keith Parkes | 1-High Scores | 1 | ||
Allison Lucas | 1-High Scores | 1 |