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Pos Name Division WP CR-DLegs301-SLegsCR-SLegs501-SLegsT1001Legs601-DLegsWIN PPW AS T80T71R9DEHINHINHHOUTHOUTH AVG PTS
1HorsemenA & B Combined79-3-17-7-15-9-18-6-0-0-11-1-5-113.14120040512031560.85792
2One Thrower ShortA & B Combined79-5-17-11-16-12-20-8-1-1-8-6-4-110.71152121813011140.71475
3OutsidersA & B Combined710-4-16-12-20-8-14-14-0-1-9-5-5-110.5741000212011000.71474
4BRRRRRT!A & B Combined79-5-18-10-19-9-15-13-0-0-8-6-4-310.431410101116011000.57173
5PaPow! (2)A & B Combined75-9-13-15-16-12-9-19-1-0-7-7-2-47.57410003120000.42953
6Sneak AttackA & B Combined76-8-11-17-14-14-14-14-0-1-5-9-2-47.432200000000.28652
7PA-POWA & B Combined56-4-14-6-9-11-13-7-1-0-5-5-3-110.270110316021010.80051
8The OfficeA & B Combined73-9-5-19-7-17-7-17-0-0-3-9-1-53.710000000000.14326
9Old DogsA & B Combined61-11-5-19-0-24-6-18-0-0-2-10-0-62.33100001104000000014

WP - Weeks Played
CR-D - Cricket Doubles
301-S - 301 Singles
CR-S - Cricket Singles
501-S - 501 Singles
T1001 - Team 1001
601-D - 601 Doubles
WIN - Winning Pt (If No Team Match)
PPW - Points per Week
AS - Total All Stars Hit
T80 - 180s
T71 - 171s
R9 - Rounds of 9
DE - Dead Eyes
HIN - High Ins
HOUT - High Outs
PTS - Points
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