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 Match Result

Away Team Total Wins Total Wins Home Team
Rockets 8 6 Pauls Rebels

 Match Breakdown

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Triples 701

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Don Noseworthy +Donnie Irons +Vicky NoseworthyWLPaul Gaudet +Jack Bowler +Paul Rees
Steven McConnell +Ed Corbett + LWDave W. Smith +Errol Harrison +Matthew Brookes

Doubles 601

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Don Noseworthy +Donnie IronsWLPaul Rees +Jesse Fidler
Steven McConnell +Ed CorbettLWDave W. Smith +Errol Harrison
Vicky Noseworthy + LWMatthew Brookes +Jack Bowler

Doubles Cricket

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Don Noseworthy +Steven McConnellWLDave W. Smith +Errol Harrison
Donnie Irons +Ed CorbettWLPaul Rees +Jesse Fidler
Vicky Noseworthy + LWMatthew Brookes +Paul Gaudet

Singles 501

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Donnie IronsWLErrol Harrison
Ed CorbettWLJesse Fidler
Don NoseworthyWLPaul Rees
Steven McConnellLWPaul Gaudet
Vicky NoseworthyWLMatthew Brookes
 LWDave W. Smith

 All Stars

Away Team  All Stars   All Stars  Home Team
Rockets 3 2 Pauls Rebels

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Jesse Fidler130+1 
Steven McConnell130+1 
Don Noseworthy130+2 
Matthew Brookes130+1