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Pos Name Division WP W/L Q.801D.501D.CKTS.CHI130+170+180CKT.A101F101FH AS PTS AVG
1Cheryl's TeamGolden Target1260-487-514-1012-1227-21100000010600.556
1Chris' TeamGolden Target1267-408-412-1218-629-186001007670.626
1Al's TeamGolden Target1260-479-315-911-1325-225000005600.561
4Stacey's TeamGolden Target1260-486-612-1214-1028-20130000013600.556
4Leroi's TeamGolden Target1260-466-614-1015-925-211000001600.566
6Mike's TeamGolden Target1250-576-610-1411-1323-2490110011500.467
7Matt's TeamGolden Target1251-575-710-1411-1325-23700011108510.472
7Shawn's TeamGolden Target1252-546-615-912-1219-273000003520.491
9Rain's TeamGolden Target1235-733-98-167-1717-313000003350.324
9Danny's TeamGolden Target1241-664-810-149-1518-295020007410.383

WP - Weeks Played
Q.801 - 4-Person Team 801
D.501 - Doubles 501
D.CKT - Doubles Cricket
S.CHI - Singles Chicago
PPW - Points per Week
AS - Total All Stars Hit
130+ - 130+
170+ - 170+
180 - 180
101F - 101F
PTS - Points
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