Weeks Played |
2 of 24 (.083) |
10th |
35th |
66th |
Total Points |
10 |
9th |
32nd |
63rd |
Total Wins |
4 of 6 (.667)
9th |
33rd |
64th |
Total All Stars |
0 |
8th |
28th |
59th |
Triples 701 | 0 of 2 (0.000) | 9th | 34th | 65th |
Doubles Cricket | 2 of 2 (1.000) | 7th | 19th | 48th |
Doubles 601 | 0 of 0 (.000) | 10th | 35th | 67th |
Singles 501 | 2 of 2 (1.000) | 8th | 30th | 58th |
There have been no all stars recorded for this player. |
All Games | 2 Wins | 2 Undefeated | 1 Loss | |
Triples 701 | 2 Losses | N/A | 2 Losses | |
Doubles Cricket | 2 Wins | 2 Wins | N/A | |
Doubles 601 | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Singles 501 | 2 Wins | 2 Wins | N/A | |
Triples 701 |
March 19, 2015 | L | Junction Dragons | Bing Takasaki + Mark Sedore + Dom Piccolino | R.J. Brooks + Tanya Fraser + Tony Galea |
January 8, 2015 | L | @ Junction Dragons | Bing Takasaki + Mark Sedore + Dom Piccolino | R.J. Brooks + Tanya Fraser + Tony Galea |
Doubles Cricket |
March 19, 2015 | W | Junction Dragons | Mark Sedore + Dom Piccolino | R.J. Brooks + Tony Galea |
January 8, 2015 | W | @ Junction Dragons | Mark Sedore + Dom Piccolino | R.J. Brooks + Tony Galea |
Singles 501 |
March 19, 2015 | W | Junction Dragons | Mark Sedore | Tanya Fraser |
January 8, 2015 | W | @ Junction Dragons | Mark Sedore | Tanya Fraser |
Show historic games against:
Show historic games against next opponents:
Triples 701 |
Doubles Cricket |
There are no penalties or bonuses for this player.
There are no awards for this player.