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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Donny Virglio Unknown Unknown 46

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 19 of 24 (.792) 4th 14th 66th
Total Points 46 6th 18th 85th
Total Wins 20 of 69 (.290) 5th 16th 83rd
Total All Stars 11 3rd 8th 31st
Triples 70110 of 18 (.556)1st3rd21st
Doubles Cricket2 of 14 (.143)6th19th103rd
Doubles 6013 of 19 (.158)6th21st103rd
Singles 5015 of 18 (.278)6th15th80th

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    

 All Stars Details

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
February 4, 2010
January 28, 2010
January 21, 2010
January 7, 2010
November 19, 2009
November 5, 2009
October 8, 2009


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games2 Wins6 Undefeated14 without a win 
Triples 7011 Win3 Undefeated3 Losses 
Doubles Cricket1 Win2 Undefeated10 without a win 
Doubles 6013 Losses1 Win6 without a win 
Singles 5011 Win2 Undefeated7 without a win 

 Match Details & Results

Triples 701

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
March 25, 2010W@ 383 ChargersTammy Virglio + Donny Virglio + Jack Pyke Greg Young + Chris Question + Helen Young
March 18, 2010L Donny Virglio + Tammy Virglio + Krystal Dorion Tim Kieley + Phillip Pappin + Kaz Skrzyniak
March 4, 2010L@ RebelsDonny Virglio + Tammy Virglio Zoe Reid + Kirk Platten
February 11, 2010W 383 ChargersChris Corbett + Donny Virglio + Larry Broome Kevin Chamulak + Greg Young + Chris Question
February 4, 2010W@ 383 ChargersDonny Virglio + Jack Pyke + Chris Corbett (R) Kevin Chamulak + Chris Question + Helen Young
January 28, 2010W@ Donny Virglio + Jack Pyke + Tammy Virglio Danny Fraser + Tom Chase + Tim Kieley (R)
January 21, 2010L Donny Virglio + Jack Pyke + Tammy Virglio Mike Cusack + Kaz Skrzyniak + Brenda Cusack
January 14, 2010W@ Dart AttackCindy Douglas + Donny Virglio + Tammy Virglio Ivan Leong + Danet Duffield + Ana Da Silva
January 7, 2010L Dart AttackChris Corbett + Larry Broome + Donny Virglio Danet Duffield + Gordy Leong + Ivan Leong
December 17, 2009L RebelsChris Corbett + Donny Virglio Roy Jacobs + Ken McGuire (R)
December 10, 2009L@ RebelsDonny Virglio + Krystal Dorion Steven Dutra + Zoe Reid
November 26, 2009W@ HeartbreakersJack Pyke + Bruno DiDonato (DNU) + Donny Virglio Edwin Mason + Tommy Theofilaktidis + Paul Winson
November 19, 2009W 383 ChargersBruno DiDonato (DNU) + Alan MacDonald + Donny Virglio Greg Young + Kevin Chamulak + Helen Young
November 5, 2009W@ Chris Corbett + Alan MacDonald + Donny Virglio Tim Kieley + Billy Kendall + Kaz Skrzyniak
October 29, 2009L Larry Broome + Donny Virglio + Krystal Dorion Bruce Rajotte + Danny Fraser + Tom Chase
October 22, 2009W@ Dart AttackChris Corbett + Alan MacDonald + Donny Virglio Danet Duffield + Dave Smith + Ivan Leong
October 15, 2009W Dart AttackDonny Virglio + Jack Pyke + Tammy Virglio Dave Smith + Steve Linhares + Ivan Leong
October 1, 2009L@ RebelsDonny Virglio + Tammy Virglio + Bruno DiDonato (DNU) (R) Zoe Reid + Kirk Platten + Gerald Pena (R)

Doubles Cricket

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
March 25, 2010W@ 383 ChargersBruno DiDonato (DNU) + Donny Virglio Kevin Chamulak + Steve Perry
March 18, 2010L Donny Virglio + Tammy Virglio Tim Kieley + Mike Cusack
March 4, 2010L@ RebelsLarry Broome + Donny Virglio Don King + Zoe Reid
February 11, 2010W 383 ChargersDonny Virglio + Tammy Virglio Kevin Chamulak + Helen Young
February 4, 2010W@ 383 ChargersChris Corbett + Donny Virglio (R) Steve Perry + Helen Young
February 4, 2010L@ 383 ChargersLarry Broome + Donny Virglio Greg Young + Chris Question
January 28, 2010L@ Cindy Douglas + Donny Virglio Danny Fraser + Tom Chase
January 21, 2010L Chris Corbett + Donny Virglio Mike Cusack + Tim Kieley
January 14, 2010L@ Dart AttackLarry Broome + Donny Virglio Ivan Leong + Ana Da Silva
January 7, 2010L Dart AttackLarry Broome + Donny Virglio Gordy Leong + Steve Linhares
December 17, 2009L RebelsDonny Virglio + Krystal Dorion Roy Jacobs + Kirk Platten
December 10, 2009L@ RebelsDonny Virglio + Krystal Dorion Vern Lepine + Zoe Reid
October 15, 2009L Dart AttackDonny Virglio + Jack Pyke Gordy Leong + Steve Linhares
October 8, 2009L RebelsDonny Virglio + Jack Pyke Kirk Platten + Steven Dutra (R)
October 1, 2009L@ RebelsLarry Broome + Donny Virglio Don King + Zoe Reid

Doubles 601

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
March 25, 2010L@ 383 ChargersDonny Virglio + Cindy Douglas Zack Young + Steve Perry
March 18, 2010L Donny Virglio + Tammy Virglio Bruce Rajotte + Kaz Skrzyniak
March 4, 2010L@ RebelsDonny Virglio + Jack Pyke Vern Lepine + Kirk Platten
February 11, 2010W 383 ChargersDonny Virglio + Tammy Virglio Steve Perry + Helen Young
February 4, 2010L@ 383 ChargersDonny Virglio + Jack Pyke Chris Question + Helen Young
January 28, 2010W@ Donny Virglio + Jack Pyke Billy Kendall + Bruce Rajotte
January 21, 2010L Chris Corbett + Donny Virglio Tim Kieley + Bruce Rajotte
January 14, 2010L@ Dart AttackChris Corbett + Donny Virglio Frank Melo + Danet Duffield
January 7, 2010L Dart AttackChris Corbett + Donny Virglio Gordy Leong + Frank Melo
December 17, 2009L RebelsDonny Virglio + Krystal Dorion Roy Jacobs + Ken McGuire
December 10, 2009L@ RebelsLarry Broome + Donny Virglio Nick Holmes + Vern Lepine
November 26, 2009L@ HeartbreakersDonny Virglio + Tammy Virglio Edwin Mason + Nick Norman
November 19, 2009W 383 ChargersDonny Virglio + Jack Pyke Greg Young + Helen Young
November 5, 2009L@ Chris Corbett + Donny Virglio Mike Cusack + Tim Kieley
October 29, 2009L Cindy Douglas + Donny Virglio Tim Kieley + Mike Cusack
October 22, 2009L@ Dart AttackDonny Virglio + Cindy Douglas Danet Duffield + Ivan Leong
October 15, 2009L Dart AttackDonny Virglio + Krystal Dorion Steve Linhares + Ana Da Silva
October 8, 2009L RebelsLarry Broome + Donny Virglio Vern Lepine + Kirk Platten
October 1, 2009L@ RebelsDonny Virglio + Jack Pyke Vern Lepine + Kirk Platten

Singles 501

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
March 25, 2010W@ 383 ChargersDonny VirglioHelen Young
March 18, 2010L Donny VirglioTim Kieley
March 4, 2010L@ RebelsDonny VirglioKirk Platten
February 11, 2010W 383 ChargersDonny VirglioHelen Young
February 4, 2010W@ 383 ChargersDonny VirglioChris Question
January 28, 2010L@ Donny VirglioBruce Rajotte
January 21, 2010L Donny VirglioTom Chase
January 14, 2010L@ Dart AttackDonny VirglioAna Da Silva
January 7, 2010L Dart AttackDonny VirglioDanet Duffield
January 7, 2010L Dart AttackDonny VirglioDave Smith
December 17, 2009L RebelsDonny VirglioVern Lepine
December 10, 2009L@ RebelsDonny VirglioNick Holmes
November 19, 2009W 383 ChargersDonny VirglioGreg Young
November 5, 2009L@ Donny VirglioTom Chase
October 29, 2009L Donny VirglioDanny Fraser
October 22, 2009W@ Dart AttackDonny VirglioIvan Leong
October 15, 2009L Dart AttackDonny VirglioIvan Leong
October 8, 2009L RebelsDonny VirglioZoe Reid (R)
October 1, 2009L@ RebelsDonny VirglioZoe Reid

 Historic Match-ups

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 Team Mates

Triples 701

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Chris Corbett + Alan MacDonald 1.000 2 2 0
Chris Corbett + Jack Pyke 1.000 1 1 0
Jack Pyke + Bruno DiDonato (DNU) 1.000 1 1 0
Cindy Douglas + Tammy Virglio 1.000 1 1 0
Alan MacDonald + Bruno DiDonato (DNU) 1.000 1 1 0
Jack Pyke + Tammy Virglio .750 4 3 1
Chris Corbett + Larry Broome .500 2 1 1
Chris Corbett 0.000 1 0 1
Krystal Dorion 0.000 1 0 1
Krystal Dorion + Tammy Virglio 0.000 1 0 1
Krystal Dorion + Larry Broome 0.000 1 0 1
Tammy Virglio 0.000 1 0 1
Tammy Virglio + Bruno DiDonato (DNU) 0.000 1 0 1

Doubles Cricket

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Bruno DiDonato (DNU) 1.000 1 1 0
Chris Corbett .500 2 1 1
Tammy Virglio .500 2 1 1
Larry Broome 0.000 5 0 5
Jack Pyke 0.000 2 0 2
Krystal Dorion 0.000 2 0 2
Cindy Douglas 0.000 1 0 1

Doubles 601

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Jack Pyke .400 5 2 3
Tammy Virglio .333 3 1 2
Chris Corbett 0.000 4 0 4
Cindy Douglas 0.000 3 0 3
Krystal Dorion 0.000 2 0 2
Larry Broome 0.000 2 0 2
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