Match Result
Away Team | Total Wins | Total Wins | Home Team |
British Club Dartaholics | 2 | 9 | British Club We Dem Boys |
Match Breakdown
601 | ||||
Away Lineup and Pairings | Score | Score | Home Lineup and Pairings | |
John Laudate +Dan Sierra +Matt Waning | L | W | Paul Laviolette +Justin "The Champ" Hood +Luis Bermudez | |
Russ Mitchell +Amanda Mitchell +Breanna Mitchell | L | W | Tony Benjamin +James Tetiva +Cody McAllister | |
Team Cricket | ||||
Away Lineup and Pairings | Score | Score | Home Lineup and Pairings | |
Matt Waning +Dan Sierra | L | W | Paul Laviolette +Spencer Aleci | |
John Laudate +Breanna Mitchell | L | W | Luis Bermudez +James Tetiva | |
Russ Mitchell +Amanda Mitchell | W | L | Tony Benjamin +Justin "The Champ" Hood | |
Singles 301 | ||||
Away Lineup and Pairings | Score | Score | Home Lineup and Pairings | |
Matt Waning | L | W | Paul Laviolette | |
Breanna Mitchell | L | W | Cody McAllister | |
Amanda Mitchell | L | W | Tony Benjamin | |
John Laudate | W | L | Spencer Aleci | |
Dan Sierra | L | W | Justin "The Champ" Hood | |
Russ Mitchell | L | W | Luis Bermudez | |
All Stars
Away Team | All Stars | All Stars | Home Team |
British Club Dartaholics | 6 | 6 | British Club We Dem Boys |
All Star Breakdown
All Stars | ||||
Name of Player | All Star Type | # Hit | Throw Score | |
Luis Bermudez | Ton's | 1 | 100 | |
Russ Mitchell | RO's | 1 | 6 | |
Dan Sierra | Ton's | 1 | 6 | |
John Laudate | Ton's | 1 | 112 | |
John Laudate | High In | 1 | 112 | |
Cody McAllister | Ton's | 1 | 100 | |
Tony Benjamin | Ton's | 1 | 100 | |
Paul Laviolette | Ton's | 1 | 100 | |
Spencer Aleci | Ton's | 1 | 121 | |
James Tetiva | Ton's | 1 | 100 | |
Amanda Mitchell | Ton's | 1 | 100 | |
Matt Waning | Ton's | 1 | 100 |