Match Result
Away Team | Total Wins | Total Wins | Home Team |
Combination Club Combination | 8 | 3 | American Legion 420 Freedom Runners |
Match Breakdown
601 | ||||
Away Lineup and Pairings | Score | Score | Home Lineup and Pairings | |
Matt Seaman +Sharon Destafano +Chuck Drago | W | L | Neil Brinson +Mike Levesque +Ben Murphy | |
Tim Seaman +Jim Kelly +Jim Destafano | W | L | Russell Collins +Matt Moura +Karine Wilcox | |
Team Cricket | ||||
Away Lineup and Pairings | Score | Score | Home Lineup and Pairings | |
Jim Kelly +Jim Destafano | W | L | Ben Murphy +Melanie Richard | |
Matt Seaman +Chuck Drago | L | W | Russell Collins +Matt Moura | |
Tim Seaman +Laura Drago | W | L | Neil Brinson +Mike Levesque | |
Singles 301 | ||||
Away Lineup and Pairings | Score | Score | Home Lineup and Pairings | |
Sharon Destafano | L | W | Gary Mechanic | |
Laura Drago | W | L | Neil Brinson | |
Matt Seaman | L | W | Russell Collins | |
Chuck Drago | W | L | Mike Levesque | |
Tim Seaman | W | L | Matt Moura | |
Jim Kelly | W | L | Melanie Richard | |
All Stars
Away Team | All Stars | All Stars | Home Team |
Combination Club Combination | 4 | 3 | American Legion 420 Freedom Runners |
All Star Breakdown
All Stars | ||||
Name of Player | All Star Type | # Hit | Throw Score | |
Russell Collins | Ton's | 1 | 106 | |
Russell Collins | High In | 1 | 106 | |
Russell Collins | RO's | 1 | 6 | |
Laura Drago | Ton's | 1 | 132 | |
Tim Seaman | Ton's | 1 | 200 | |
Tim Seaman | High In | 1 | 100 | |
Matt Seaman | Ton's | 1 | 100 |