Match Result
Away Team | Total Wins | Total Wins | Home Team |
Bulls Hit 2.0 | 30 | 6 | The Westvillains |
Match Breakdown
B 501 Singles | ||||
Away Lineup and Pairings | Score | Score | Home Lineup and Pairings | |
Jeff McGregor | 2 | 0 | Chris Crotti | |
Anthony Savo | 1 | 1 | Phil Iannazzo | |
Dan Borrelli | 0 | 2 | Steve Himes | |
Rob Perissi | 2 | 0 | Brian Mallon | |
Ron Ferraro | 2 | 0 | Todd Healey | |
Anthony Merritt | 1 | 1 | ||
B Cricket Doubles | ||||
Away Lineup and Pairings | Score | Score | Home Lineup and Pairings | |
Anthony Merritt +Anthony Savo | 4 | 0 | Brian Mallon +Todd Healey | |
Rob Perissi +Jeff McGregor | 4 | 0 | Steve Himes +Phil Iannazzo | |
Dan Borrelli +Ron Ferraro | 4 | 0 | Chris Crotti + | |
B 501 Doubles | ||||
Away Lineup and Pairings | Score | Score | Home Lineup and Pairings | |
Jeff McGregor +Jeff Rivenburg | 4 | 0 | Phil Iannazzo +Brian Mallon | |
Dan Borrelli +Anthony Savo | 2 | 2 | Todd Healey + | |
Rob Perissi +Anthony Merritt | 4 | 0 | Steve Himes +Chris Crotti | |
All Stars
Away Team | All Stars | All Stars | Home Team |
Bulls Hit 2.0 | 9 | 2 | The Westvillains |
All Star Breakdown
All Stars | ||||
Name of Player | All Star Type | # Hit | Throw Score | |
Ron Ferraro | *AllStar | 2 | ||
Steve Himes | *AllStar | 1 | ||
Brian Mallon | *AllStar | 1 | ||
Jeff McGregor | *AllStar | 1 | ||
Rob Perissi | *AllStar | 5 | ||
Anthony Merritt | *AllStar | 1 |