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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Joe Catalanotto #1399 Wrong Side Da Wire Silver 16

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 10 of 15 (.667) 6th 31st 74th
Total Points 16 4th 30th 84th
Total Wins 11 of 36 (.306) 4th 30th 82nd
Total All Stars 5 4th 24th 61st
301 Singles4 of 10 (.400)4th21st50th
Cricket Singles0 of 7 (0.000)7th35th97th
D5012 of 6 (.333)5th31st80th
Doubles Cricket3 of 7 (.429)4th25th62nd
801/SC2 of 6 (.333)3rd24th54th

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
3/4 Bulls3  
61-100 in167  
Hi Ton 101-1401120  

 All Stars Details

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
November 12, 2024
3/4 Bulls1  
October 8, 2024
3/4 Bulls1  
September 3, 2024
Hi Ton 101-1401120  
August 27, 2024
3/4 Bulls1  
August 20, 2024
61-100 in167  


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games1 Win2 Undefeated5 Losses 
301 Singles1 Loss2 Undefeated2 without a win 
Cricket Singles7 LossesN/A7 Losses 
D5012 Losses2 Undefeated2 without a win 
Doubles Cricket1 Loss2 Undefeated2 without a win 
801/SC1 Win1 Win4 Losses 

 Match Details & Results

301 Singles

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 12, 2024L@ The Clean Up CrewJoe Catalanotto #1399Louis Skoros #1362
November 5, 2024W Bayou BombersJoe Catalanotto #1399David Boudreaux #1201
October 29, 2024W@ DartilleryJoe Catalanotto #1399Lonnie Nolan #1282
October 22, 2024L@ Impaired DartsJoe Catalanotto #1399Scott Rossignol Jr. #1397
October 15, 2024L@ Throwd OffJoe Catalanotto #1399Jerry Lampo #1107
October 8, 2024W The Clean Up CrewJoe Catalanotto #1399Rodney Moreland #1364
September 24, 2024L DartilleryJoe Catalanotto #1399Chelsea Troutt #1423
September 3, 2024W@ The Clean Up CrewJoe Catalanotto #1399Navon Crandle #1100
August 27, 2024L Bayou BombersJoe Catalanotto #1399Frank Cotton #1202
August 20, 2024L@ DartilleryJoe Catalanotto #1399Tiffany Nolan #1365

Cricket Singles

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 5, 2024L Bayou BombersJoe Catalanotto #1399Lee Arceneaux #1204
October 29, 2024L@ DartilleryJoe Catalanotto #1399Tiffany Nolan #1365
October 22, 2024L@ Impaired DartsJoe Catalanotto #1399Chris Maquar #1415
October 15, 2024L@ Throwd OffJoe Catalanotto #1399Jerry Lampo #1107
October 8, 2024L The Clean Up CrewJoe Catalanotto #1399Ben Jarrell #971
September 24, 2024L DartilleryJoe Catalanotto #1399Boh Gaden #965
August 20, 2024L@ DartilleryJoe Catalanotto #1399Boh Gaden #965


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 12, 2024L@ The Clean Up CrewDanny Munizza #1246 + Joe Catalanotto #1399 Ben Jarrell #971 + Deborah Chatagnier #999
October 15, 2024L@ Throwd OffJoe Catalanotto #1399 + Kathy Haley #1164 Jerry Lampo #1107 + Ryan Holder #1130
October 8, 2024W The Clean Up CrewJC Cummins #1419 + Joe Catalanotto #1399 Ben Jarrell #971 + Rodney Moreland #1364
September 24, 2024W DartilleryDanny Munizza #1246 + Joe Catalanotto #1399 Boh Gaden #965 + Ryan Guilford #707
September 3, 2024L@ The Clean Up CrewJoe Catalanotto #1399 + Angelo Russo #310 Rodney Moreland #1364 + Ben Jarrell #971
August 20, 2024L@ DartilleryAngelo Russo #310 + Joe Catalanotto #1399 Josh Troutt #1422 + Boh Gaden #965

Doubles Cricket

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 12, 2024L@ The Clean Up CrewDarrel Poche' #471 + Joe Catalanotto #1399 Ben Jarrell #971 + Deborah Chatagnier #999
October 22, 2024W@ Impaired DartsJoe Catalanotto #1399 + Darrel Poche' #471 Chris Maquar #1415 + L.J. Hayward #1152
October 15, 2024W@ Throwd OffJoe Catalanotto #1399 + Darrel Poche' #471 Chad Saucier #1359 + Joe Parfait #602
October 8, 2024L The Clean Up CrewJoe Catalanotto #1399 + Angelo Russo #310 Ben Jarrell #971 + Deborah Chatagnier #999
September 24, 2024L DartilleryJC Cummins #1419 + Joe Catalanotto #1399 Boh Gaden #965 + Chelsea Troutt #1423
September 3, 2024W@ The Clean Up CrewJoe Catalanotto #1399 + Craig Chavers #1012 Navon Crandle #1100 + Brian Chatagnier Jr. #1278
August 27, 2024L Bayou BombersJoe Catalanotto #1399 + Angelo Russo #310 David Boudreaux #1201 + Lee Arceneaux #1204


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 12, 2024W@ The Clean Up CrewJC Cummins #1419 + Darrel Poche' #471 + Joe Catalanotto #1399 Deborah Chatagnier #999 + Ben Jarrell #971 + Carlos Ocampo #1040
November 5, 2024L Bayou BombersJC Cummins #1419 + Joe Catalanotto #1399 + Angelo Russo #310 Frank Cotton #1202 + Wade Smith #1203 + Lee Arceneaux #1204
October 22, 2024L@ Impaired DartsJC Cummins #1419 + Darrel Poche' #471 + Joe Catalanotto #1399 Gerald Moore #1413 + Cam Rhodes #1430 + L.J. Hayward #1152
September 3, 2024L@ The Clean Up CrewJoe Catalanotto #1399 + Darrel Poche' #471 + Jeremy Seneca #1140 Brian Chatagnier Jr. #1278 + Ben Jarrell #971 + Deborah Chatagnier #999
August 27, 2024L Bayou BombersCraig Chavers #1012 + Darrel Poche' #471 + Joe Catalanotto #1399 Gerard Hopkins #1200 + David Boudreaux #1201 + Lee Arceneaux #1204
August 20, 2024W@ DartilleryJC Cummins #1419 + Joe Catalanotto #1399 + Darrel Poche' #471 Tiffany Nolan #1365 + Josh Troutt #1422 + Chelsea Troutt #1423

 Historic Match-ups

Show historic games against:
Show historic games against next opponents:
Historic Games versus Dan Irving #822
Spring 2024
Date Game Result Against Player(s) Opposition
May 21, 2024801/SCL Just The TipJC Cummins #1419 + Joe Catalanotto #1399 + Angelo Russo #310 Julia Barnes #1390 + Kristen Burge #1395 + Dan Irving #822
Head to Head: 0 - 1

 Team Mates


Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
JC Cummins #1419 1.000 1 1 0
Danny Munizza #1246 .500 2 1 1
Angelo Russo #310 0.000 2 0 2
Kathy Haley #1164 0.000 1 0 1

Doubles Cricket

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Craig Chavers #1012 1.000 1 1 0
Darrel Poche' #471 .667 3 2 1
Angelo Russo #310 0.000 2 0 2
JC Cummins #1419 0.000 1 0 1


Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Darrel Poche' #471 + JC Cummins #1419 .667 3 2 1
Angelo Russo #310 + JC Cummins #1419 0.000 1 0 1
Craig Chavers #1012 + Darrel Poche' #471 0.000 1 0 1
Jeremy Seneca #1140 + Darrel Poche' #471 0.000 1 0 1
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