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 Match Result

Home Team Total Wins Total Wins Away Team
(4) Bulldog Generators #1 7 5 (2) Juggernaut

 All Stars

Home Team  All Stars   All Stars  Away Team
(4) Bulldog Generators #1 15 8 (2) Juggernaut

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Ed WebberDouble Outs11
Dale StevensonHigh Score1140
Dale StevensonDouble Outs12
Dale Stevenson8 count1 
Dylan IvensDouble Outs12
Shayne StevensonHigh Score1132
Shayne StevensonDouble Outs12
Alaina Couperthwaite-SharpHigh Score1116
Alaina Couperthwaite-SharpDouble Outs13
Eli PeroffHigh Score1140
Eli PeroffDouble Outs11
Josh BeierlHigh Finish 80 - 100191
Josh BeierlDouble Outs13
Aaron MillerDouble Outs13
Frank FriesenHigh Score1120
Frank FriesenHigh Score1125
Frank FriesenDouble Outs12
Richard ?High Score1140
Richard ?High Score1116
Richard ?High Score1105
Richard ?Double Outs13
Andrew ThompsonHigh Score1121
Andrew ThompsonDouble Outs11