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 Match Result

Home Team Total Wins Total Wins Away Team
(7) Bailey's Bullshooters 3 9 (12) Bulldog Generators #2

 All Stars

Home Team  All Stars   All Stars  Away Team
(7) Bailey's Bullshooters 9 13 (12) Bulldog Generators #2

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Natalie DresslerHigh Score1120
Natalie DresslerHigh Score1140
Natalie DresslerDouble Outs11
Randal NovalskiHigh Finish 80 - 100191
Randal NovalskiDouble Outs13
Dave BestHigh Score1140
Dave BestDouble Outs12
Linda VanderkolffDouble Outs11
Austin KeuglerHigh Score1120
Austin KeuglerHigh Score1140
Austin KeuglerDouble Outs11
Marc GrayHigh Score1103
Marc GrayDouble Outs12
Julien DresslerDouble Outs13
Cade JohnstonHigh Score1121
Cade JohnstonHigh Finish 80 - 100193
Cade JohnstonDouble Outs13
Dave BaxterHigh Score1140
Dave BaxterDouble Outs11
Zoe ReidHigh Score1133
Zoe ReidDouble Outs13
Nelson CoishHigh Score1137