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 Match Result

Home Team Total Wins Total Wins Away Team
(17) Just Wingin' It 5 7 (15) The SimpleTons

 All Stars

Home Team  All Stars   All Stars  Away Team
(17) Just Wingin' It 7 12 (15) The SimpleTons

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
John SlawsonHigh Score1127
John SlawsonDouble Outs13
John JZ LoughlinHigh Score1134
John JZ LoughlinHigh Score1140
John JZ LoughlinHigh Score1121
John JZ LoughlinDouble Outs13
Dave Sanchez MayHigh Score1118
Dave Sanchez MayHigh Score1116
Dave Sanchez MayDouble Outs12
Lee DraycottHigh Score1101
John KimiecDouble Outs13
Terry Tez MarchmentHigh Score1103
Marsha Misha CharlesHigh Score1114
Marsha Misha CharlesDouble Outs13
Neil Uncle Harry HarrisDouble Outs13
Paul PhenixDouble Outs11
Melissa SedoreHigh Score1117
Melissa SedoreDouble Outs11
Larry LeblancDouble Outs13