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 Match Result

Home Team Total Wins Total Wins Away Team
(1) Dartbags 6 6 (6) Wolf Pack

 Match Breakdown

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Doubles Cricket

Home Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Away Lineup and Pairings
Mark Kopsala +Tyler KopsalaLWChris Grant +Dan Arnold
Richie Pratt +Mike YpmaLWAdam Pollard +Ryan Potter
Darren Boddy +Jay MooreWLTyler Perry +John Ross

Doubles 501

Home Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Away Lineup and Pairings
Mark Kopsala +Mike YpmaWLChris Grant +Dan Arnold
Richie Pratt +Tyler KopsalaLWAdam Pollard +Ryan Potter
Darren Boddy +Jay MooreLWTyler Perry +John Ross

Singles 501

Home Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Away Lineup and Pairings
Richie PrattWLDan Arnold
Darren BoddyWLJohn Ross
Tyler KopsalaWLChris Grant
Mark KopsalaWLTyler Perry
Mike YpmaLWAdam Pollard
Jay MooreLWRyan Potter

 All Stars

Home Team  All Stars   All Stars  Away Team
(1) Dartbags 16 9 (6) Wolf Pack

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Mark KopsalaHigh Score1140
Mark KopsalaHigh Score1121
Mark KopsalaDouble Outs13
Mike YpmaHigh Score1140
Mike YpmaDouble Outs11
Jay MooreHigh Score1140
Jay MooreHigh Score1121
Jay MooreHigh Score1121
Jay MooreDouble Outs11
Darren BoddyHigh Score1140
Darren BoddyHigh Score1122
Darren BoddyDouble Outs12
Adam PollardHigh Score1140
Adam PollardHigh Score1140
Adam PollardDouble Outs13
Chris GrantHigh Score1101
Ryan PotterHigh Score1105
Ryan PotterDouble Outs13
Tyler KopsalaHigh Score1121
Tyler KopsalaHigh Score1135
Tyler KopsalaDouble Outs13
Richie PrattDouble Outs12
John RossDouble Outs12
Tyler PerryHigh Score1135
Tyler PerryDouble Outs11