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 Match Result

Home Team Total Wins Total Wins Away Team
(3) Schell Lumber 10 2 (7) Bailey's Bullshooters

 Match Breakdown

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 All Stars

Home Team  All Stars   All Stars  Away Team
(3) Schell Lumber 11 10 (7) Bailey's Bullshooters

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Christine ArtibelloDouble Outs12
Derek Breen180s1 
Derek BreenDouble Outs14
Dan MillsDouble Outs11
Dave BennettHigh Score1140
Dave BennettHigh Score1121
Dave BennettDouble Outs13
Jay KingHigh Score1140
Jay KingDouble Outs12
Brian Van Der GulikHigh Score1125
Brian Van Der GulikDouble Outs12
Dave BestDouble Outs13
Linda VanderkolffHigh Score1111
Linda VanderkolffHigh Score1117
Mark TremblettHigh Score1119
Mark TremblettDouble Outs12
Austin KeuglerDouble Outs11
Nelson CoishHigh Score1134
Nelson CoishHigh Score1140
Nelson CoishHigh Score1121
Nelson CoishDouble Outs12