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 Match Result

Home Team Total Wins Total Wins Away Team
(2) Juggernaut 9 3 (11) Thee Resurrection

 Match Breakdown

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Doubles Cricket

Home Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Away Lineup and Pairings
Josh Beierl +Eli PeroffWLMike Pedersen +Darrell Dummer
Jake Ivens +Dan ThompsonWLTerry Smith +McKenzie Smith
Dylan Ivens +Dean WhyteWLUdo Veidemanis +Carole Sheridan

Doubles 501

Home Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Away Lineup and Pairings
Josh Beierl +Eli PeroffLWTerry Smith +McKenzie Smith
Dan Thompson +Ryan ParsonsWLMike Pedersen +Darrell Dummer
Dylan Ivens +Dean WhyteWLUdo Veidemanis +Carole Sheridan

Singles 501

Home Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Away Lineup and Pairings
Dan ThompsonWLMike Pedersen
Ryan ParsonsLWDarrell Dummer
Aaron MillerWLTerry Smith
Josh BeierlWLMcKenzie Smith
Dylan IvensLWUdo Veidemanis
Dean WhyteWLCarole Sheridan

 All Stars

Home Team  All Stars   All Stars  Away Team
(2) Juggernaut 8 9 (11) Thee Resurrection

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Udo VeidemanisHigh Score1133
Udo VeidemanisDouble Outs12
Udo Veidemanis7 count1 
Mike PedersenHigh Score1174
Mike PedersenDouble Outs11
Darrell DummerHigh Score1133
Darrell DummerDouble Outs13
Dylan IvensHigh Score1140
Dylan IvensDouble Outs12
McKenzie SmithHigh Score1119
McKenzie SmithDouble Outs12
Dean WhyteDouble Outs13
Josh BeierlHigh Score1106
Josh BeierlDouble Outs13
Aaron MillerHigh Score1121
Aaron MillerDouble Outs12
Dan ThompsonDouble Outs14