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 Match Result

Home Team Total Wins Total Wins Away Team
(3) Schell Lumber 7 5 (12) Bulldog Generators #2

 Match Breakdown

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Doubles Cricket

Home Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Away Lineup and Pairings
Dan Mills +Dave BennettWLZoe Reid +Bill Baxter
Derek Breen +Jay KingWLDave Baxter +Natalie Dressler
Mark Tremblett +Christine ArtibelloLWJulien Dressler +Randal Novalski

Doubles 501

Home Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Away Lineup and Pairings
Derek Breen +Jay KingLWZoe Reid +Bill Baxter
Mark Tremblett +Christine ArtibelloWLDave Baxter +Natalie Dressler
Dan Mills +Dave BennettWLJulien Dressler +Randal Novalski

Singles 501

Home Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Away Lineup and Pairings
Jay KingLWBill Baxter
Derek BreenWLDave Baxter
Dave BennettWLNatalie Dressler
Christine ArtibelloLWZoe Reid
Dan MillsWLJulien Dressler
Mark TremblettLWRandal Novalski

 All Stars

Home Team  All Stars   All Stars  Away Team
(3) Schell Lumber 14 19 (12) Bulldog Generators #2

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Natalie DresslerHigh Score1119
Christine ArtibelloDouble Outs11
Derek BreenHigh Score1131
Derek BreenHigh Finish 101 +1112
Derek BreenDouble Outs12
Dan MillsHigh Score1123
Dan MillsDouble Outs12
Dave BennettHigh Score1101
Dave BennettHigh Score1121
Dave BennettDouble Outs14
Randal NovalskiHigh Score1125
Randal NovalskiHigh Score1121
Randal NovalskiHigh Score1140
Randal NovalskiHigh Score1140
Randal NovalskiDouble Outs12
Randal Novalski9 count1 
Jay KingDouble Outs12
Mark TremblettHigh Score1132
Mark TremblettHigh Score1121
Mark TremblettHigh Score1126
Mark TremblettDouble Outs11
Julien DresslerHigh Score1120
Julien DresslerHigh Score1140
Julien DresslerHigh Score1101
Julien DresslerDouble Outs12
Julien Dressler7 count2 
Dave BaxterHigh Score1140
Dave BaxterDouble Outs11
Zoe ReidHigh Score1121
Zoe ReidDouble Outs13
Bill BaxterHigh Score1131
Bill BaxterDouble Outs13