Weeks Played |
1 of 19 (.053) |
9th |
67th |
224th |
Total Points |
0 |
10th |
77th |
245th |
Total Wins |
0 of 3 (0.000)
10th |
76th |
241st |
Total All Stars |
0 |
10th |
79th |
246th |
Triples 701 | 0 of 1 (0.000) | 9th | 74th | 229th |
Doubles 501 | 0 of 1 (0.000) | 9th | 70th | 221st |
Singles 301 | 0 of 1 (0.000) | 8th | 68th | 171st |
Singles 401 | 0 of 0 (.000) | 7th | 42nd | 141st |
Doubles Cricket | 0 of 0 (.000) | 1st | 1st | 45th |
Singles 501 | 0 of 0 (.000) | 1st | 1st | 45th |
There have been no all stars recorded for this player. |
All Games | 3 Losses | N/A | 3 Losses | |
Triples 701 | 1 Loss | N/A | 1 Loss | |
Doubles 501 | 1 Loss | N/A | 1 Loss | |
Singles 301 | 1 Loss | N/A | 1 Loss | |
Singles 401 | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Doubles Cricket | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Singles 501 | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Triples 701 |
January 14, 2014 | L | @ 17. Game On | Mark Fletcher + KT Anderson (spare) + Darren Fletcher | Brandon Bloye (spare) + Barb White + Lyle Leitch |
Doubles 501 |
January 14, 2014 | L | @ 17. Game On | Mark Fletcher + KT Anderson (spare) | Laura Sears + Barb White |
Singles 301 |
January 14, 2014 | L | @ 17. Game On | KT Anderson (spare) | Lyle Leitch |
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There are no penalties or bonuses for this player.
Award |
Name |
Place |
Description |
Week/Date |
| Game of The Week | | Game of the week. | Week Four. |
| Game of The Week | | Game of the week. | Week Two |