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 Match Result

Home Team Total Wins Total Wins Away Team
FMA 8 4 Plan B

 Match Breakdown

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Home Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Away Lineup and Pairings
Wilson Tanon +Russell BradfordWLDodi Lopes +Frank Marco
Mike Silverman +Jon LegereWLTom Ryan +Mallissa Hall
Eric Eldredge +Billy SmithWLStephanie Kozar +Jeremy Kirin


Home Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Away Lineup and Pairings
Wilson Tanon +Russell BradfordLWDennis Hoye +Tom Ryan
Eric Eldredge +Joe InsanaWLEric Josselyn +Frank Marco
Jon Legere +Billy SmithWLJeremy Kirin +Mallissa Hall


Home Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Away Lineup and Pairings
Mike SilvermanWLStephanie Kozar
Wilson TanonLWDodi Lopes
Eric EldredgeWLTom Ryan
Joe InsanaLWJeremy Kirin
Jon LegereWLDennis Hoye
Billy SmithLWEric Josselyn

 All Stars

Home Team  All Stars   All Stars  Away Team
FMA 6 4 Plan B

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Billy SmithTons2 
Jeremy KirinTons2 
Wilson TanonTons1 
Mike SilvermanTons1 
Eric EldredgeTons1 
Frank MarcoCorks13
Joe InsanaTons1 
Tom RyanTons1