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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Alex Anderson Darty Minds C 15

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 12 of 14 (.857) 5th 43rd 171st
Total Points 15 5th 38th 187th
Total Wins 14 of 29 (.483) 5th 38th 154th
601 5 of 12 (.417)3rd29th57th
cricket7 of 9 (.778)5th21st80th
301SSI/DO2 of 8 (.250)7th49th163rd
501SSI/DO0 of 0 (.000)1st1st47th
501DDI/DO0 of 0 (.000)1st1st141st

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    

 All Stars Details

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
November 13, 2019


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games1 Loss4 Undefeated4 without a win 
601 2 Losses3 Undefeated2 without a win 
cricket2 Wins4 Undefeated1 Loss 
301SSI/DO2 Losses2 Undefeated4 without a win 

 Match Details & Results


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
December 18, 2019L The ForsakenAlex Anderson + Brianna Welsh + Christian Burrows R.J. Rose + Christy Rose + Timmay Reynolds
December 11, 2019L@ Is It In?Alex Anderson + Brianna Welsh + Christian Burrows Kerri Robinson + Charlie Menengas + John Kapolis
December 4, 2019W Full of BullsAlex Anderson + Brianna Welsh + Christian Burrows Keith Tilton + Taylor Tilton + Emily Andrews
November 13, 2019L@ MisfitsAlex Anderson + Brianna Welsh + Christian Burrows Ryan Bookach + Robin Locke + Naomi Williams-Sirois
November 6, 2019L@ DilligafZachariah Taylor + Alex Anderson + Justin Smith Dan Granger + Jean Ehret + Dan Smith
October 30, 2019W ManiacsZachariah Taylor + Justin Smith + Alex Anderson Holly Sheridan + Laurie Josselyn + Julie Fitzpatrick
October 23, 2019W@ The ForsakenJustin Smith + Zachariah Taylor + Alex Anderson R.J. Rose + Christy Rose + Timmay Reynolds
October 16, 2019W Is It In?Christian Burrows + John Duncan + Alex Anderson Andrew O'Brien + Kerri Robinson + Kevin OLeary
October 9, 2019L@ Full of BullsZachariah Taylor + Alex Anderson + Justin Smith Steve Skelly + Jeff Franklin + Keith Tilton
October 2, 2019L@ Dart SharksZachariah Taylor + Alex Anderson + Justin Smith Dennis Alker Jr + Mike Alker + Dennis Alker Sr
September 25, 2019W MisfitsChristian Burrows + John Duncan + Alex Anderson Naomi Williams-Sirois + David Duncan + Jenny Derenthal
September 11, 2019L@ ManiacsShaylee Kopellas + Mariah Curran + Alex Anderson Mark Chludenski + Julie Fitzpatrick + Robert Jarvis


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
December 18, 2019W The ForsakenZachariah Taylor + Alex Anderson Joey Werzanski + Christy Rose
December 11, 2019W@ Is It In?Zachariah Taylor + Alex Anderson Julie O'Brien + Kerri Robinson
December 4, 2019L Full of BullsZachariah Taylor + Alex Anderson Keith Tilton + Joanna Meager
November 13, 2019W@ MisfitsChristian Burrows + Alex Anderson Naomi Williams-Sirois + Eric Ball
October 30, 2019W ManiacsChristian Burrows + Alex Anderson Robert Jarvis + Holly Sheridan
October 23, 2019W@ The ForsakenChristian Burrows + Alex Anderson Russ Hall + R.J. Rose
October 16, 2019W Is It In?John Duncan + Alex Anderson Kevin OLeary + Kerri Robinson
October 9, 2019L@ Full of BullsShaylee Kopellas + Alex Anderson Joanna Meager + Keith Tilton
October 2, 2019W@ Dart SharksShaylee Kopellas + Alex Anderson Dennis Alker Sr + Lori Mason


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
December 18, 2019L The ForsakenAlex AndersonTimmay Reynolds
December 11, 2019L@ Is It In?Alex AndersonKerri Robinson
December 4, 2019W Full of BullsAlex AndersonTaylor Tilton
November 13, 2019W@ MisfitsAlex AndersonNaomi Williams-Sirois
October 30, 2019L ManiacsAlex AndersonJulie Fitzpatrick
October 23, 2019L@ The ForsakenAlex AndersonSarah Hall
October 9, 2019L@ Full of BullsAlex AndersonMike Meager
October 2, 2019L@ Dart SharksAlex AndersonMike Alker

 Historic Match-ups

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 Team Mates


Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
John Duncan + Christian Burrows 1.000 2 2 0
Zachariah Taylor + Justin Smith .400 5 2 3
Brianna Welsh + Christian Burrows .250 4 1 3
Mariah Curran + Shaylee Kopellas 0.000 1 0 1


Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Christian Burrows 1.000 3 3 0
John Duncan 1.000 1 1 0
Zachariah Taylor .667 3 2 1
Shaylee Kopellas .500 2 1 1
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