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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Jim Beaulieu All Jacked Up B 17

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 9 of 14 (.643) 7th 52nd 176th
Total Points 17 5th 41st 149th
Total Wins 11 of 27 (.407) 6th 44th 146th
601 2 of 9 (.222)6th55th179th
cricket5 of 9 (.556)4th33rd95th
301SSI/DO4 of 9 (.444)6th34th92nd
501SSI/DO0 of 0 (.000)1st1st49th

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    

 All Stars Details

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
March 21, 2012
March 7, 2012
February 29, 2012
February 22, 2012
February 15, 2012
February 8, 2012


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games2 Wins2 Undefeated4 Losses 
601 3 Losses1 Win3 without a win 
cricket1 Win2 Undefeated2 Losses 
301SSI/DO1 Win2 Undefeated2 without a win 

 Match Details & Results


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
March 28, 2012L Nips n TipsJim Beaulieu + Sean Hodziewich + Jeremy Kirin Bob Ozon + Lee Bowman + Dave Bowman
March 21, 2012L@ PiratesJim Beaulieu + Becky Reed + Sean Hodziewich Tom Libby + Paige Mazzur + Nick Vancisin
March 14, 2012L FIOJeremy Kirin + Becky Reed + Jim Beaulieu Jim Small + Ken Bassett + Chris Small
March 7, 2012W@ FireballsSean Hodziewich + Becky Reed + Jim Beaulieu Randy Saul + Todd Higgins + Megan Watson
February 29, 2012L No BullJim Beaulieu + Jeremy Kirin + Billy Booth Tom Lorge + Mike Korzeniecky + Shelly Davenport
February 22, 2012W Self TitledBilly Booth + Jeremy Kirin + Jim Beaulieu Tom Vagenas + Bob Janson + Rex Schwer
February 15, 2012L@ FredsJim Beaulieu + Billy Booth + Paul Kunelius Kevin Henry + Nathan Medeiros
February 8, 2012L@ Nips n TipsSean Hodziewich + Becky Reed + Jim Beaulieu Melanie Corso + John Kapolis + Bob Ozon
February 1, 2012L PiratesJim Beaulieu + Billy Booth + Sean Hodziewich Larissa Stecei + Adam Davis + Darren Vlacich


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
March 28, 2012W Nips n TipsEagan Reed + Jim Beaulieu John Kapolis + Melanie Corso
March 21, 2012L@ PiratesJim Beaulieu + Billy Booth Adam Davis + Darren Vlacich
March 14, 2012W FIOJim Beaulieu + Billy Booth Ken Bassett + Julie Fitzpatrick
March 7, 2012L@ FireballsJim Beaulieu + Paul Kunelius Mike Fisher + Nick Reale
February 29, 2012W No BullJim Beaulieu + Eagan Reed Justin Orton + Dave Wood
February 22, 2012L Self TitledJim Beaulieu + Eagan Reed CJ O'Boyle + Rex Schwer
February 15, 2012L@ FredsJim Beaulieu + Eagan Reed Kevin Henry + Ray Cericola
February 8, 2012W@ Nips n TipsJim Beaulieu + Eagan Reed Rachel Imrie + John Kapolis
February 1, 2012W PiratesEagan Reed + Jim Beaulieu Adam Davis + Darren Vlacich


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
March 28, 2012W Nips n TipsJim BeaulieuBob Ozon
March 21, 2012L@ PiratesJim BeaulieuAdam Davis
March 14, 2012W FIOJim BeaulieuMelissa Carter
March 7, 2012L@ FireballsJim BeaulieuChip Horton
February 29, 2012L No BullJim BeaulieuTom Lorge
February 22, 2012W Self TitledJim BeaulieuTom Vagenas
February 15, 2012W@ FredsJim BeaulieuNathan Medeiros
February 8, 2012L@ Nips n TipsJim BeaulieuMelanie Corso
February 1, 2012L PiratesJim BeaulieuGordon Baker

 Historic Match-ups

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 Team Mates


Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Jeremy Kirin + Billy Booth .500 2 1 1
Sean Hodziewich + Becky Reed .333 3 1 2
Jeremy Kirin + Sean Hodziewich 0.000 1 0 1
Jeremy Kirin + Becky Reed 0.000 1 0 1
Sean Hodziewich + Billy Booth 0.000 1 0 1
Paul Kunelius + Billy Booth 0.000 1 0 1


Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Eagan Reed .667 6 4 2
Billy Booth .500 2 1 1
Paul Kunelius 0.000 1 0 1
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