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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Bob Ozon MuTONy A 27

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 14 of 14 (1.000) 1st 1st 21st
Total Points 27 3rd 25th 70th
Total Wins 21 of 41 (.512) 2nd 15th 34th
Total All Stars 6 4th 37th 94th
601 0 of 0 (.000)1st1st109th
cricket9 of 14 (.643)1st7th16th
301SsI/DO5 of 13 (.385)4th33rd76th
501SSI/DO0 of 0 (.000)1st1st40th
501DDI/DO7 of 14 (.500)3rd16th16th
501DSI/DO0 of 0 (.000)1st1st43rd

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    

 All Stars Details

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
December 1, 2021
November 17, 2021
November 3, 2021
October 13, 2021
September 29, 2021
September 8, 2021


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games1 Loss5 Undefeated7 Losses 
601 N/AN/AN/A 
cricket2 Wins3 Undefeated3 Losses 
301SsI/DO3 Losses1 Win3 Losses 
501DDI/DO2 Losses4 Undefeated3 Losses 

 Match Details & Results


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
December 15, 2021W ClubbersChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Joe Linnell + John Harvey
December 8, 2021W@ Brew DawgsChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Ed Cunha + Devin Reynolds
December 1, 2021L Trips N TonsChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Steve Storey + Calvin Castillias Jr
November 17, 2021W Old SchoolChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Derek Selfridge + Wayne Edwards
November 10, 2021L@ I.A.CChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Jim Grealey + AJ Gomes
November 3, 2021W@ Ace HolesChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Matt Judge + Tyler Francis
October 27, 2021W SteelheadsChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon John Savery + John Perrone
October 20, 2021W@ ClubbersChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Joe Linnell + Paul Mccluskey
October 13, 2021L Brew DawgsChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Jim Reynolds + Chris Matheson
October 6, 2021L@ Trips N TonsChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Steve Storey + Calvin Castillias Jr
September 29, 2021L@ Old SchoolChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Roger Williams + Wayne Edwards
September 22, 2021W I.A.CChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Dan Miville + Jeff Gruenstern
September 15, 2021W Ace HolesChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Gary Brustas + Lili Russon
September 8, 2021W@ SteelheadsChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Mike DePietro + Dan Robillard


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
December 15, 2021L ClubbersBob OzonPaul Mccluskey
December 8, 2021L@ Brew DawgsBob OzonBruce Cook
December 1, 2021L Trips N TonsBob OzonRyan Hathaway
November 17, 2021W Old SchoolBob OzonMike Stacy
November 10, 2021L@ I.A.CBob OzonCraig Fidler
November 3, 2021W@ Ace HolesBob OzonTyler Francis
October 27, 2021L SteelheadsBob OzonChris Bixby
October 20, 2021W@ ClubbersBob OzonPaul Mccluskey
October 13, 2021L Brew DawgsBob OzonGillian Richmond
October 6, 2021L@ Trips N TonsBob OzonJon Swanson
September 29, 2021W@ Old SchoolBob OzonWayne Edwards
September 15, 2021L Ace HolesBob OzonShaun Edwards
September 8, 2021W@ SteelheadsBob OzonDan Robillard


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
December 15, 2021L ClubbersChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon John Harvey + Paul Mccluskey
December 8, 2021L@ Brew DawgsChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Jim Reynolds + Chris Matheson
December 1, 2021W Trips N TonsChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Steve Donovan + Calvin Castillias Sr
November 17, 2021L Old SchoolChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Tom Plante + Ray Cericola
November 10, 2021L@ I.A.CChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Rob Colamaria + Craig Fidler
November 3, 2021W@ Ace HolesChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Matt Judge + Tyler Francis
October 27, 2021W SteelheadsChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon John Savery + John Perrone
October 20, 2021L@ ClubbersChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Jack O'Connor + Paul Mccluskey
October 13, 2021L Brew DawgsChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Chris Matheson + Ed Cunha
October 6, 2021L@ Trips N TonsChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Steve Storey + Calvin Castillias Sr
September 29, 2021W@ Old SchoolChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Wayne Edwards + Roxy White
September 22, 2021W I.A.CChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Ken Button + Dave Bowman
September 15, 2021W Ace HolesChristian Burrows + Bob Ozon Matt Judge + Lili Russon
September 8, 2021W@ SteelheadsRandy Saul + Bob Ozon Mike DePietro + Steve Fockler

 Historic Match-ups

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 Team Mates


Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Christian Burrows .643 14 9 5


Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Randy Saul 1.000 1 1 0
Christian Burrows .462 13 6 7
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