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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Steve Godshack Leftovers B 24

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 9 of 15 (.600) 8th 44th 201st
Total Points 24 1st 15th 111st
Total Wins 14 of 21 (.667) 4th 28th 130th
Total All Stars 10 1st 9th 85th
601 5 of 7 (.714)5th24th46th
cricket3 of 6 (.500)3rd33rd153rd
301SsI/DO6 of 8 (.750)2nd20th80th
501SSI/DO0 of 0 (.000)1st1st38th
501DDI/DO0 of 0 (.000)1st1st131st

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    

 All Stars Details

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
April 11, 2018
March 28, 2018
March 7, 2018
February 21, 2018
February 7, 2018
January 31, 2018
January 24, 2018


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games1 Loss8 Undefeated3 without a win 
601 1 Win3 Undefeated1 Loss 
cricket2 Wins2 Wins3 Losses 
301SsI/DO1 Loss5 Undefeated1 Loss 

 Match Details & Results


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
April 18, 2018W Dart ZombiesStephanie Kozar + Steve Godshack + Katie Sullivan Joe Eldredge + Peter Folding + Sue Eldredge
April 11, 2018L@ Handicapped JesusStephanie Kozar + Steve Godshack + Katie Sullivan Neil Horner + Tyler Brown + Jared Franklin
March 7, 2018W Handicapped JesusSteve Godshack + John Kapolis + Lisa Moss Jared Franklin + Ian Lee + Susie Furman
February 28, 2018W ShenanigansJohn Kapolis + Lisa Moss + Steve Godshack Paige Mazzur + Jeff Johnston + Domenico Conti
February 7, 2018W Dart ZombiesStephanie Kozar + Steve Godshack + Katie Sullivan Kenny Eldredge + Brendan Switzer + Matt Laman
January 31, 2018L@ Handicapped JesusStephanie Kozar + John Kapolis + Steve Godshack Neil Horner + Nikki Fox + Tyler Brown
January 24, 2018W@ ShenanigansStephanie Kozar + Steve Godshack + James Otto Domenico Conti + Jeff Johnston + Debbie (Conners) Maguire


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
March 28, 2018W FireballsLisa Moss + Steve Godshack Rob Sliney + Nic Chad
March 7, 2018W Handicapped JesusSteve Godshack + John Kapolis Tyler Brown + Nikki Fox
February 21, 2018L@ FireballsStephanie Kozar + Steve Godshack Rob Sliney + Jeff Parker
February 7, 2018L Dart ZombiesSteve Godshack + Kat Calabrese Kenny Eldredge + Shawn Baker Sr
January 31, 2018L@ Handicapped JesusSteve Godshack + James Otto Neil Horner + Nikki Fox
January 24, 2018W@ ShenanigansSteve Godshack + Kat Calabrese Domenico Conti + Mark Sullivan


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
April 18, 2018L Dart ZombiesSteve GodshackShawn Baker Sr
April 11, 2018W@ Handicapped JesusSteve GodshackIan Lee
March 28, 2018W FireballsSteve GodshackAimee Howell
March 7, 2018W Handicapped JesusSteve GodshackJared Franklin
February 28, 2018W ShenanigansSteve GodshackMark Sullivan
February 21, 2018W@ FireballsSteve GodshackJerrad Heyliger
February 7, 2018L Dart ZombiesSteve GodshackJoey Eldredge
January 31, 2018W@ Handicapped JesusSteve GodshackJared Franklin

 Historic Match-ups

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 Team Mates


Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
John Kapolis + Lisa Moss 1.000 2 2 0
Stephanie Kozar + James Otto 1.000 1 1 0
Stephanie Kozar + Katie Sullivan .667 3 2 1
John Kapolis + Stephanie Kozar 0.000 1 0 1


Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
John Kapolis 1.000 1 1 0
Lisa Moss 1.000 1 1 0
Kat Calabrese .500 2 1 1
Stephanie Kozar 0.000 1 0 1
James Otto 0.000 1 0 1
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