Player Information
Name of Player | Current Team | Current Division | Current Point Total | Current Season |
Peter Folding | Dart Zombies | A-East | 5 |
Name of Player | Current Team | Current Division | Current Point Total | Current Season |
Peter Folding | Dart Zombies | A-East | 5 |
Category | Percentage | Overall Team | Overall Division | Overall League |
Weeks Played | 4 of 12 (.333) | 0th | 0th | 1st |
Total Points | 5 | 0th | 0th | 1st |
Total Wins | 2 of 8 (.250) | 0th | 0th | 1st |
Total All Stars | 3 | 0th | 0th | 1st |
601 | 0 of 0 (.000) | 0th | 0th | 1st |
cricket | 2 of 4 (.500) | 0th | 0th | 1st |
301SsI/DO | 0 of 0 (.000) | 0th | 0th | 1st |
501SSI/DO | 0 of 0 (.000) | 0th | 0th | 1st |
501DDI/DO | 0 of 4 (0.000) | 0th | 0th | 1st |
501DSI/DO | 0 of 0 (.000) | 0th | 0th | 1st |
All Stars Type | Total Hit | Best/Total Score | ||
Corks | 2 | 3 | ||
High In | 1 | 106 |
All Stars Type | Total Hit | Best/Total Score | ||
March 13, 2019 | ||||
High In | 1 | 106 | ||
February 20, 2019 | ||||
Corks | 2 | 3 |
Current Streak | Best Streak | Worst Streak | ||
All Games | 2 Losses | 1 Win | 3 Losses | |
601 | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
cricket | 1 Loss | 1 Win | 1 Loss | |
301SsI/DO | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
501SSI/DO | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
501DDI/DO | 4 Losses | N/A | 4 Losses | |
501DSI/DO | N/A | N/A | N/A |
cricket | ||||
Date | Result | Against | Player(s) | Opposition |
March 20, 2019 | L | @ Just The Tips | Peter Folding + Sue Eldredge | Ray Cericola + Wayne Edwards |
March 13, 2019 | W | @ Olivers Twisted | Sue Eldredge + Peter Folding | Dave Wood + Luis Smith |
February 27, 2019 | L | @ MuTONy | Peter Folding + Sue Eldredge | Justyn Eldredge + Bob Ozon |
February 20, 2019 | W | @ Nips n Tips | Larry Rogers + Peter Folding | Dan Miville + Dave Bowman |
501DDI/DO | ||||
Date | Result | Against | Player(s) | Opposition |
March 20, 2019 | L | @ Just The Tips | Peter Folding + Sue Eldredge | Derek Selfridge + Tom Plante |
March 13, 2019 | L | @ Olivers Twisted | Peter Folding + Joey Eldredge | Travis Johnson + Denim Lescault |
February 27, 2019 | L | @ MuTONy | Kenny Eldredge + Peter Folding | Paul Alves + Cory Jordan |
February 20, 2019 | L | @ Nips n Tips | Peter Folding + Joey Eldredge | Craig Fidler + Melanie Corso |
cricket | ||||
Team Mate | Winning Percentage | Games Played | Games Won | Games Lost |
Larry Rogers | 1.000 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Sue Eldredge | .333 | 3 | 1 | 2 |
501DDI/DO | ||||
Team Mate | Winning Percentage | Games Played | Games Won | Games Lost |
Joey Eldredge | 0.000 | 2 | 0 | 2 |
Sue Eldredge | 0.000 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Kenny Eldredge | 0.000 | 1 | 0 | 1 |