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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Richie Budion Riptides A-West 28

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 12 of 12 (1.000) 1st 1st 1st
Total Points 28 4th 10th 57th
Total Wins 24 of 34 (.706) 2nd 3rd 11st
Total All Stars 4 4th 23rd 106th
cricket9 of 12 (.750)2nd2nd10th
301SsI/DO0 of 0 (.000)1st1st57th
501SSI/DO0 of 0 (.000)1st1st38th
501DSI/DO5 of 10 (.500)6th17th59th
401SSI/DO10 of 12 (.833)2nd2nd2nd

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    

 All Stars Details

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
December 18, 2024
November 13, 2024
November 6, 2024
September 18, 2024


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games1 Loss8 Undefeated2 without a win 
cricket1 Win6 Undefeated1 Loss 
501DSI/DO1 Win3 Undefeated3 without a win 
401SSI/DO1 Loss7 Undefeated1 Loss 

 Match Details & Results


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
December 18, 2024W@ Headlocks Armed & HammeredRick Budion + Richie Budion Adam Davis + Mark Sullivan
December 4, 2024L@ Plan BRick Budion + Richie Budion Eric Josselyn + Dodi Lopes
November 20, 2024W I.A.CJohn Monahan + Richie Budion Jonathon Farmer + Gillian Richmond
November 13, 2024L Krooked KarrotsJohn Monahan + Richie Budion Tyler Francis + Ryan Bookach
November 6, 2024W Headlocks Armed & HammeredRick Budion + Richie Budion Adam Davis + Katie Sullivan
October 23, 2024W Plan BRick Budion + Richie Budion Stephanie Kozar + Frank Marco
October 16, 2024W@ I.A.CRick Budion + Richie Budion Paul Lanoue + Ken Rebello
October 9, 2024W Krooked KarrotsRick Budion + Richie Budion Gary Brustas + Billy Booth
October 2, 2024W@ Headlocks Armed & HammeredRick Budion + Richie Budion John Terrio + Randy Taravella
September 18, 2024W@ Plan BRick Budion + Richie Budion Eric Josselyn + Melissa Pavlakas
September 11, 2024L I.A.CRick Budion + Richie Budion Jonathon Farmer + Tim Kelley
September 4, 2024W@ Krooked KarrotsFrank Morgan + Richie Budion Shaun Edwards + Billy Booth


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
December 18, 2024W@ Headlocks Armed & HammeredBob Studley + Richie Budion Tony Offiler + John Terrio
December 4, 2024L@ Plan BRick Budion + Richie Budion Eric Josselyn + Dodi Lopes
November 20, 2024W I.A.CRick Budion + Richie Budion Bob Percy + Dan Miville
November 13, 2024W Krooked KarrotsChip Horton + Richie Budion Tyler Francis
October 23, 2024W Plan BRick Budion + Richie Budion Jeremy Kirin + Melissa Pavlakas
October 16, 2024L@ I.A.CRick Budion + Richie Budion Paul Lanoue + Craig Fidler
October 9, 2024L Krooked KarrotsJohn Monahan + Richie Budion Gary Brustas + Matt Judge
October 2, 2024L@ Headlocks Armed & HammeredJohn Monahan + Richie Budion Tony Offiler + Adam Davis
September 11, 2024W I.A.CJohn Monahan + Richie Budion Tim Kelley + Gillian Richmond
September 4, 2024L@ Krooked KarrotsJohn Monahan + Richie Budion Gary Brustas + Shaun Edwards


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
December 18, 2024L@ Headlocks Armed & HammeredRichie BudionMark Sullivan
December 4, 2024W@ Plan BRichie BudionDodi Lopes
November 20, 2024W I.A.CRichie BudionJonathon Farmer
November 13, 2024W Krooked KarrotsRichie BudionBilly Booth
November 6, 2024W Headlocks Armed & HammeredRichie BudionAdam Davis
October 23, 2024W Plan BRichie BudionDodi Lopes
October 16, 2024W@ I.A.CRichie BudionCraig Fidler
October 9, 2024W Krooked KarrotsRichie BudionRay Civetti
October 2, 2024L@ Headlocks Armed & HammeredRichie BudionAdam Davis
September 18, 2024W@ Plan BRichie BudionFrank Marco
September 11, 2024W I.A.CRichie BudionCraig Fidler
September 4, 2024W@ Krooked KarrotsRichie BudionDave Kosharek

 Historic Match-ups

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 Team Mates


Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Frank Morgan 1.000 1 1 0
Rick Budion .778 9 7 2
John Monahan .500 2 1 1


Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Bob Studley 1.000 1 1 0
Chip Horton 1.000 1 1 0
Rick Budion .500 4 2 2
John Monahan .250 4 1 3
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