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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Tim Walker Random Shooters B 6

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 5 of 14 (.357) 8th 60th 213rd
Total Points 6 7th 57th 198th
Total Wins 5 of 15 (.333) 6th 57th 197th
Total All Stars 1 8th 55th 179th
601 2 of 5 (.400)5th53rd86th
cricket2 of 5 (.400)4th46th156th
301SsI/DO1 of 5 (.200)6th51st151st
501SSI/DO0 of 0 (.000)1st1st33rd
501DDI/DO0 of 0 (.000)1st1st80th
501DSI/DO0 of 0 (.000)1st1st35th

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    

 All Stars Details

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
March 1, 2023


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games1 Loss3 Undefeated7 Losses 
601 1 Win1 Win2 Losses 
cricket1 Win1 Win2 Losses 
301SsI/DO4 Losses1 Win4 Losses 

 Match Details & Results


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
March 8, 2023W Nun 80Frank Marco + Neil Horner + Tim Walker Emily Andrews + Jeff Franklin + Sean Ducott
March 1, 2023L@ Headlocks Armed & HammeredDodi Lopes + Tim Walker + Troy Wiseman Gareth Williams + Melissa Carter + Tony Offiler
February 22, 2023L@ MuTONyNeil Horner + Richard Martin + Tim Walker Joe Goodinson + Nick Reale + Vernon Epps
February 8, 2023W@ Red EyesDodi Lopes + Tim Walker + Troy Wiseman Kyle Garrity + Paul Lanoue + Roger Cahoon
February 1, 2023L FireballsRichard Martin + Steve Nickerson + Tim Walker Bob Marotta + Jeff Parker + Tony Davis


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
March 8, 2023W Nun 80Frank Marco + Tim Walker George Boule + Todd Moos
March 1, 2023L@ Headlocks Armed & HammeredFrank Marco + Tim Walker Katie Sullivan + Mark Sullivan
February 22, 2023L@ MuTONyNeil Horner + Tim Walker Mike Fisher + Nick Reale
February 8, 2023W@ Red EyesNeil Horner + Tim Walker Geogre Paquette + Tim Kelley
February 1, 2023L FireballsNeil Horner + Tim Walker Bob Marotta + Julie Thompson


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
March 8, 2023L Nun 80Tim WalkerSean Ducott
March 1, 2023L@ Headlocks Armed & HammeredTim WalkerKatie Sullivan
February 22, 2023L@ MuTONyTim WalkerCory Jordan
February 8, 2023L@ Red EyesTim WalkerKyle Garrity
February 1, 2023W FireballsTim WalkerTony Davis

 Historic Match-ups

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 Team Mates


Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Frank Marco + Neil Horner 1.000 1 1 0
Troy Wiseman + Dodi Lopes .500 2 1 1
Steve Nickerson + Richard Martin 0.000 1 0 1
Neil Horner + Richard Martin 0.000 1 0 1


Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Frank Marco .500 2 1 1
Neil Horner .333 3 1 2
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