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 Match Result

Home Team Total Wins Total Wins Away Team
Stick Its Finest 6 5 Cookie Invasion

 Match Breakdown

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Triples 701

Home Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Away Lineup and Pairings
Mike Prentice +Mike Kehoe +Paul FosterLWStephanie Cook +Michelle Cook +Heidi Cook
Jay Hrynkiw +Rene Heeringa +Brett Abric WLSteve Booth +Carol Berg +Tina Levesque

Doubles 601

Home Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Away Lineup and Pairings
Paul Sirmay +Paul FosterWLMichelle Cook +Carol Berg
Jay Hrynkiw +Rene HeeringaWLChantal McAllister +Tina Levesque
Mike Kehoe +Mike PrenticeLWAbby Firth +Dawn Cook

Singles 501

Home Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Away Lineup and Pairings
Rene HeeringaWLHeidi Cook
Mike PrenticeLWSteve Booth
Mike KehoeLWChantal McAllister
Paul SirmayWLStephanie Cook
Paul FosterWLAbby Firth
Jay HrynkiwLWDawn Cook

 All Stars

Home Team  All Stars   All Stars  Away Team
Stick Its Finest 0 0 Cookie Invasion