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Team W22W21W20W19W18 Win-Loss WLT T701D601S501 Last 5 AVG PTS MP
Poison Arrows6-53-88-3 11-0131-7814-5-024-1436-2171-43WLWWW.62713114
Insane Dart Posse 8-35-61-108-3115-8212-6-022-1228-2355-47WLLWW.58411512
Lightning8-3‡3-83-88-3 101-9710-8-016-2029-2556-52WLLWL.51010110
SwiftFlight3-8 3-83-83-879-1304-15-09-2924-3346-68LLLLL.378794
Ridges Bandits3-8‡3-8 5-60-1147-1502-16-011-2313-3823-79LLLLL.239472
‡ in the weekly scores means the result has been entered but may not yet be included in the points until the stats are re-calculated.


 Week 22 All Stars
There were no all stars found for this week