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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Terry George Tossers A 49

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 25 of 28 (.893) 3rd 30th 202nd
Total Points 49 7th 41st 354th
Total Wins 25 of 63 (.397) 7th 40th 347th
Total All Stars 3 1st 9th 51st
Triples 70111 of 21 (.524)6th30th215th
Doubles 6017 of 22 (.318)7th43rd374th
Singles 5017 of 20 (.350)7th39th362nd

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
100+ Out2120  

 All Stars Details

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
October 29, 2012
100+ Out1120  
October 1, 2012
100+ Out1118  
September 17, 2012


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games3 Losses4 Undefeated8 without a win 
Triples 7011 Loss2 Undefeated2 Losses 
Doubles 6014 Losses5 Undefeated8 without a win 
Singles 5011 Loss3 Undefeated8 Losses 

 Match Details & Results

Triples 701

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
April 8, 2013L@ The Drunken SailorsAlex Cameron + Hugh Hume + Terry George John Thornton + Steve Green + Rocky Eddison
April 1, 2013W@ Hunter's HornetsDoug Walls + Terry George Andrew Ashbee + Tim Rodgers + Rick Ashbee
March 25, 2013L DragonsBryan Hume + Herb Hansford + Terry George Jeff Polley + Jordan Polley + Keith MacCleggan
March 18, 2013W@ TipplersAlex Cameron + Chris Kleiss + Terry George Rod Blanchard + Clair Anderson + Tommy Blanchard
March 11, 2013W BOBAlex Cameron + Doug Walls + Terry George Tanveer Haniff + Ian Porter + Dean Ramdsen
February 25, 2013L@ ShootersChris Kleiss + Herb Hansford + Terry George Jeff Osmond + David Kiff + Mike Harris
February 11, 2013L DragonsBryan Hume + Terry George Jeff Polley + Bruce Jenkins + Jordan Polley
February 4, 2013W@ Hunter's HornetsAlex Cameron + Hugh Hume + Terry George Andrew Ashbee + Tim Rodgers + Rick Ashbee
January 28, 2013L Wired OutHerb Hansford + Doug Walls + Terry George Chris McMurter + Steve Mitchell + Dave Fleming
January 21, 2013W@ TipplersAlex Cameron + Hugh Hume + Terry George Paul Blanchard + Don Blanchard + Tommy Blanchard
December 17, 2012L The Drunken SailorsAlex Cameron + Hugh Hume + Terry George John Thornton + Steve Green + Steve Wilson
December 10, 2012W@ DragonsAlex Cameron + Doug Walls + Terry George Bruce Jenkins + Jeff Polley + Keith MacCleggan
December 3, 2012L Hunter's HornetsAlex Cameron + Bryan Hume + Terry George Andrew Ashbee + Tim Rodgers + Rick Ashbee
November 26, 2012W@ Wired OutAlex Cameron + Doug Walls + Terry George Chris McMurter + Steve Mitchell + Gabe Beauparlant
November 12, 2012L@ ShootersAlex Cameron + Hugh Hume + Terry George Jeff Osmond + Bill Matless + Steve McConnell
October 29, 2012W The Drunken SailorsAlex Cameron + Chris Kleiss + Terry George Darryl Blake + Steve Green + Steve Wilson
October 22, 2012W@ DragonsHugh Hume + Herb Hansford + Terry George Jeff Polley + Shayne Fagel + Louis Duperron
October 15, 2012L Hunter's HornetsAlex Cameron + Doug Walls + Terry George Matt Hewitt + Andrew Ashbee + Tim Rodgers
September 24, 2012W@ Wired OutAlex Cameron + Hugh Hume + Terry George Chris McMurter + Troy Lawrence + Steve Mitchell
September 17, 2012W@ BOBAlex Cameron + Doug Walls + Terry George Vaughn Monague + David Stokes + Gregg McGuire
September 10, 2012L ShootersAlex Cameron + Herb Hansford + Terry George Tim Morgan + Bill Matless + Amber Tofford

Doubles 601

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
April 8, 2013L@ The Drunken SailorsDoug Walls + Terry George Darryl Blake + Ray Carroll
April 1, 2013L@ Hunter's HornetsTerry George Brian Hayes + Dave Johnson
March 25, 2013L DragonsBryan Hume + Terry George Shayne Fagel + Louis Duperron
March 18, 2013L@ TipplersBryan Hume + Terry George Clair Anderson + Paul Blanchard
March 11, 2013W BOBAlex Cameron + Terry George Gregg McGuire + Tanveer Haniff
February 25, 2013L@ ShootersTerry George + Bryan Hume Tim Morgan + Chad Simpson
February 11, 2013W DragonsHugh Hume + Terry George Jordan Polley + Keith MacCleggan
February 4, 2013W@ Hunter's HornetsHugh Hume + Terry George Tim Rodgers + Rick Ashbee
January 28, 2013W Wired OutHugh Hume + Terry George Rick Holm-Larsuen + Steve Mitchell
January 21, 2013W@ TipplersHugh Hume + Terry George Don Blanchard + Craig Allan
January 14, 2013W ShootersAlex Cameron + Terry George Jeff Osmond + Steve McConnell
December 17, 2012L The Drunken SailorsBryan Hume + Terry George Steve Wilson + Mike Roy
December 10, 2012L@ DragonsDoug Walls + Terry George Jeff Polley + Louis Duperron
December 3, 2012W Hunter's HornetsHugh Hume + Terry George Dave Johnson + Rick Ashbee
November 26, 2012L@ Wired OutAlex Cameron + Terry George Steve Mitchell + Darrin Parks
November 19, 2012L TipplersDoug Walls + Terry George Don Blanchard + Craig Allan
November 5, 2012L@ BOBAlex Cameron + Terry George John Turco + Gregg McGuire
October 29, 2012L The Drunken SailorsTerry George + John Hume Ray Carroll + Darryl Blake
October 15, 2012L Hunter's HornetsDoug Walls + Terry George Dave Johnson + Matt Hewitt
October 1, 2012L TipplersTerry George + Herb Hansford Don Blanchard + Clair Anderson
September 17, 2012L@ BOBBryan Hume + Terry George David Stokes + Vrej Sarkhanian
September 10, 2012L ShootersHugh Hume + Terry George Mike Harris + Steve McConnell

Singles 501

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
April 8, 2013L@ The Drunken SailorsTerry GeorgeRocky Eddison
April 1, 2013W@ Hunter's HornetsTerry GeorgeRick Ashbee
March 25, 2013W DragonsTerry GeorgeJordan Polley
March 11, 2013L BOBTerry GeorgeDavid Pratt
February 25, 2013L@ ShootersTerry GeorgeTim Morgan
February 11, 2013L DragonsTerry GeorgeShayne Fagel
January 28, 2013W Wired OutTerry GeorgeDave Fleming
January 21, 2013W@ TipplersTerry GeorgePaul Blanchard
December 17, 2012L The Drunken SailorsTerry GeorgeMike Roy
December 10, 2012L@ DragonsTerry GeorgeLouis Duperron
November 19, 2012L TipplersTerry GeorgeSteve Allan
November 12, 2012L@ ShootersTerry GeorgeJeff Osmond
November 5, 2012L@ BOBTerry GeorgeGregg McGuire
October 29, 2012L The Drunken SailorsTerry GeorgeRocky Eddison
October 22, 2012L@ DragonsTerry GeorgeLouis Duperron
October 15, 2012L Hunter's HornetsTerry GeorgeTim Rodgers
October 1, 2012W TipplersTerry GeorgeSteve Allan
September 24, 2012W@ Wired OutTerry GeorgeDave Fleming
September 17, 2012W@ BOBTerry GeorgeGregg McGuire
September 10, 2012L ShootersTerry GeorgeTim Morgan

 Historic Match-ups

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 Team Mates

Triples 701

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Alex Cameron + Chris Kleiss 1.000 2 2 0
Hugh Hume + Herb Hansford 1.000 1 1 0
Doug Walls 1.000 1 1 0
Alex Cameron + Doug Walls .800 5 4 1
Hugh Hume + Alex Cameron .500 6 3 3
Bryan Hume 0.000 1 0 1
Bryan Hume + Herb Hansford 0.000 1 0 1
Bryan Hume + Alex Cameron 0.000 1 0 1
Herb Hansford + Alex Cameron 0.000 1 0 1
Herb Hansford + Chris Kleiss 0.000 1 0 1
Herb Hansford + Doug Walls 0.000 1 0 1

Doubles 601

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Hugh Hume .833 6 5 1
Alex Cameron .500 4 2 2
Bryan Hume 0.000 5 0 5
Doug Walls 0.000 4 0 4
Herb Hansford 0.000 1 0 1
John Hume 0.000 1 0 1
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