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Pos Name Team Name WP PTS AVG D501DCRIQ601S501SOS W/L PPW AS 5B7-89c6B140+171+180HF99+HF170
1Jason RillorazaTeq-Killa9620.7786-28-11-16-20.67621-66.891201006031070
1Jessie ChauTeq-Killa12620.6145-69-36-37-50.57327-175.176010040100
3Christopher HoTeq-Killa12590.6475-36-52-29-20.39022-124.927020040100
4Tania WuTeq-Killa12520.4586-75-76-55-70.50522-264.339020070000
5Gerland ChuTeq-Killa11460.5436-45-43-35-50.55019-164.185010030100
6Gilbert SumTeq-Killa12440.5714-68-24-34-40.64920-153.674020020000
7Danny WongTeq-Killa8390.5714-34-24-34-40.40316-124.887000070000
8Wayne TsangTeq-Killa4140.8753-12-01-01-00.5007-13.50000000000
9Jayden ChinTeq-Killa181.0001-01-01-01-00.0004-080000000000
10Edward ChanTeq-Killa131.0000-00-00-01-00.0001-030000000000

WP - Weeks Played
D501 - Doubles 501(2024)
DCRI - Doubles Cricket (2024)
Q601 - 601 Team(2024)
S501 - Singles 501(2024)
PPW - Points per Week
AS - Total All Stars Hit
5B - 5 Bulls(2024)
7-8 - 7-8 Counts(2023)
9c - 9 count(2023)
6B - 6 Bulls(2024)
140+ - High Score 140-170(2023)
171+ - High Score 171-177(2023)
180 - High Score 180(2023)
HF99+ - High Finish 99-167(2023)
HF170 - High Finish 170(2024)
PTS - Points
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