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Mid Shore Dart League - News

Winter 2024-25 Sign Up Sept 26

As mentioned in an earlier post winter league sign up will take place Thursday 9/26/24 at Pitstop in Milford from 730pm-9pm.  Blank sheets are available for download on the main page of the website.  Bar sponsor fees are due before week 1.  Player dues must be paid by the Friday following week 2 for the initially registered number of players.

Added on: Friday, September 20, 2024

New email list

The new board is in the process of a more current and accurate email list as we are aware the previous one is out of date. If you would like to be part of the email list going forward please send an email with the subject line "Please Add" to [email protected] and you will be added to the new list, or use the Google form below.

Added on: Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Winter 2024-25 Schedule Posted

The Winter 2024-25 schedule has been posted on the website and available for download in Excel format.  Please use the contact function on the website for any questions or concerns.

Added on: Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Contact Info Update

In an effort to update player contact info to make sure everyone is getting timely updates please take a moment to follow the below link and complete a brief Google Form:

Also, we are offering a new app that league members can sign up for to get reminder texts about important league-related dates.  If you are interested please text @azamac to 81010 to get started

Added on: Thursday, September 26, 2024

New rulebook

A new copy of the rulebook is available for download. Please note the changes including playoff rules and playing shorthanded.

Added on: Thursday, September 26, 2024

Winter Captains Meeting + New board

After captains votes here is our new executive board:

President - Alex Z
VP - Kevin Sanchez
Treasurer - Kyle Bradley
Secretary - Steve Clark

Webmaster - Tom Gaydos

A captain brought up an issue with a fellow captain changing the roster after it was already set. This is not allowed. The offending captain was addressed by board members. If this happens going forward the captain observing this behavior sees fit they can call a forfeit.

A rule change regarding how the score sheets are completed. It was discussed that the home team fills out their sheet first, then hands the sheet face up to the visting captain. This was voted down, the rule stays the same.

Another rule change was pitched to have a second, different sheet for playoffs. This was voted in and will be the new rule. All players must be qualified to play in the playoffs, as always.

A rule change was proposed for when a team plays short 1-2 players on changing where the vacant space(s) are placed on the lineup. This is passed and the captain may leave space(s) empty wherever they would like.

A vote was called to start regular season matches at 730pm and it was voted down.

A reminder was mentioned regarding the winter schedule being voted in as 2 times through, then playoffs, at a previous captains meeting.

A topic was discussed regarding postponing and forfeiting matches schedule. Kevin pitched a built in bye week to facilitate matches which need to be made up. This was voted through and will be before the last 4 weeks of the regular season as a firm line that after this week no matches may be postponed or rescheduled per the existing rule.

Finally, our secretary has started a new email address for all future email confirmations. Please save the contact as [email protected] and check your spam folders.

Added on: Friday, September 20, 2024

Winter 2024-25 Schedule of Events

As we reach the final 2 weeks of our summer 2024 session we look ahead to the winter 2024-25 season.  Here is the schedule of events:

Summer division finals September 5

Summer King of the Hill September 12

Winter Captain's Meeting September 19***will include vote for league officers, non-captains who want to run for a position only are permitted to attend.  Meeting will be held at Casey's (downstairs) starting at 8pm.

Winter Sign-Ups September 26 at Pitstop from 730pm-9pm

Winter Packet Pick-ups October 3 at Anthony Ds from 730-9pm

Winter League Week 1 October 10

Please use the contact function on the website with any questions.

Added on: Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Dave McIntosh

It is with a heavy heart that I post this to you all. Dave Mcintosh, a staple of our Mid Shore Dart Community, has passed away suddenly today. Dave served on the board as Vice President for many years and always gave the league everything he had. Please keep Dave and his family in your thoughts during this sad day and days to come.

Update 7/12 - Here is the link to the memorial service with details for July 19:

Thank you and Rest In Peace Dave.

Added on: Friday, July 12, 2024

Summer 2024 Sign-Ups & Summer Party

Here is the upcoming schedule for events to start our summer 2024 season:

May 2 - winter 2024 King of the Hill league championship
May 9 - off
May 16 - summer sign-ups at Casey's 8pm-930p
May 23 - off
May 30 - packet pick up at Pitstop 730-9p
June 6 - summer week 1
June 13 - summer week 2
June 20 - summer party at the WHIAC 6p-10p

Division(s) for summer league will be dictated based on turnout and number of teams signing up, but the board does want to make 2 divisions between casual and serious teams/players if the turnout allows us to do so.

The current executive board including Scott will remain in tact through the summer, but there could be as many as 3 open spots on the board once summer concludes.  Please make plans to attend the captain's meeting before the start of the next winter session, likely on a Thursday in September, if you are interested in becoming a member of the board or want to vote on who will be the next board members.

Added on: Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Playoff Reminders 2024

First round playoff matches are set!

Reminders for Playoffs:

Please follow the guidelines set forth in the rule book.

All 3 divisions had 8 or less teams included, so only the top 4 teams make the playoffs.

Only a player who has met the minimum number of matches and has paid dues will qualify for the playoffs.  Matches are counted automatically via YLS now, only a player with "Q" next to their name qualifies to compete in playoff matches.  If a number appears that means they did not play enough weeks to qualify and that player is not eligible to play in a playoff match.

***PLAYOFF MATCHES START AT 730PM*** We get this question every year, therefore I wanted to highlight it.

April 11 - ABC semi-finals

April 18 - B Final & C Final, A bye week

April 25 - A Final, B vs. C match

May 2 - King ot the Hill, A vs. BvC winner

Please use the contact function on the website with any further questions.

Added on: Friday, April 5, 2024

Holiday Party Thursday December 7

Hello MSDLers! Just a reminder that this Thursday, December 7th is our Holiday Party. It is at the West Haven IA Club from 6-10pm. There will be free food and beer, as well as a Luck of the Draw tournament. Also, if you would like to donate to Toys for Tots, please bring $20 or an unwrapped toy. We hope to see you there!

Added on: Monday, December 4, 2023

Toys for Tots 2023 - December 16

It's that time of the year again! Please see the flyer in the downloads section and, if possible, print/display publicly if you have the venue to do so to solicit interest and/or donations.

$20 buy in or a toy of equivalent value. 2 tournaments, singles and doubles.  Darts fly at 1230pm.

Contact Kris Casey or Pete Vella for any questions.

Added on: Monday, December 4, 2023

Winter league captian's meeting notes

Some notes from the October 19, 2023 captain's meeting:

Summer picnic will be on a Thursday, exact date TBD.  This was voted on a majority as too many captains/players indicated scheduling conflicts to attend on a weekend.  It would be similar to a Winter party 6pm-10pm.

Winter holiday party Thursday December 7 from 6-10pm.

Every captain every week should be sending a clear photo of the whole scoresheet.

Playoff eligibility is now 50% of the session schedule's matches for each player.

If a team forfeits the players on the opposing team's players will count that week towards playoff eligibility.

Roster limit remains 11 players.

The length of the season will be determined based on the number of teams registered, but we will go 2 times through each division this winter instead of 3.

Matches will remain starting at 8pm for regular season and 730pm for playoffs.

Alternate awards for winning teams/individual players were discussed.  Trophies will no longer be presented as the captains voted the money could be better spent elsewhere.  Possible alternate prizes/events were discussed but nothing finalized.

23 teams registered for the winter session.  The divisions will be 8A/8B/7C with a bye.

Winter league packet pick-up will take place on Thursday October 26 from 730pm to 9pm at a NEW location this year: Milford Point Brewery!

Added on: Friday, October 20, 2023

Summer Playoffs & Winter sign ups

Happy October, dart players!

The summer league semi-finals will take place at Casey's on Thursday October 5 starting at 730pm.  Please make sure your players are aware of the early start time as well as playoff eligibility.  A player must have a (Q) next to their name on the team page to confirm they have played enough matches to Qualify for the playoffs.

Summer league finals will take placeon Thursday October 12 starting at 730pm.  Location and teams TBD.

Winter league captain's meeting ***AND*** sign-ups will take place at Casey's on Thursday October 19 at 8pm.  Please make sure you have pre-filled your roster sheet with all needed information and have at least your bar sponsorship fee when registering.

Winter league packet pick-up will take place on Thursday October 26 from 730pm to 9pm at a NEW location this year: Milford Point Brewery!

Winter league season week 1 will take place on Thursday November 2 at 8pm.

Please feel free to use the Contact function on the website with any questions or the MSDL Facebook page. 

Added on: Sunday, October 1, 2023

A brief survey - please participate

Our vice president Kevin Sanchez has created the following survey regarding the league, please take the time to complete it.  Thank you!

Added on: Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Trophy & Plaque Issues

It has been brought to the board's attention that the most recent group of trophies & plaques issued at the summer picnic had some problems.

If you have a trophy or a plaque with your name or your team name spelled wrong, or are missing a plaque for an award earned during the REGULAR SEASON only of the winter session please use the contact function on the website and alert us.  Any plaque-eligible award earned during the playoffs (T80 or 9 hit) did NOT have a plaque issued yet as the order submitted was ONLY for the regular season awards, those plaques are already on a list to be submitted with the summer 2023 session regular season awards.  This is due to the close proximity of the end of the summer session to the picnic this year and the required turnaround time by the plaque/trophy maker.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Added on: Thursday, June 22, 2023

King of the Hill - Summer Picnic

The winner of the 2022-23 Winter season King of the Hill is the Pitstop Lugnutz from A division.

Sunday June 11 is the league picnic, from our secretary Danielle:

"This is a reminder that our season celebration is Sunday, June 11th  from 3 till 7. We have raffle prizes. beer and a tournament.Food this time is from Lasses who have been an icon for Milford for years sure to please!! Enjoy and have fun. Outside is available for those who want to play horseshoes. Enjoy and have fun!!"

Summer league sign ups are Thursday June 15, see the previous post for the full details.

Added on: Friday, June 9, 2023

Playoff Update

Congratulations are in order for the 3 division winners:

A - Pitstop Lugnutz

B - VFW Darty Deeds

C - Pistop Piranhas

The B vs C match will take place Thursday June 1, the location will be determined by a coin flip between the captains overseen by league officials. The webiste will be updated with that location when available.

King of the Hill will take place Thursday June 8, location also TBD, with the winner of B vs C taking on the A division winner.

Please refer to the previous post regarding upcoming dates to start the summer 2023 session.

Added on: Friday, May 26, 2023

Summer 2023 Registration/Dates

Our league picnic will take place at the West Haven Italian American club on Sunday June 11 from 3-7pm.  The event will be catered.

Summer 2023 sign-ups/registration will take place at Pitstop on June 15, 2023 from 730pm to 930pm. Please have paperwork pre-printed and filled out along with bar sponsorship check to expedite the process.

Packet pick up will take place at Casey's on June 22, 2023 from 730pm to 930pm. 

Week 1 of the summer session will start on June 29, 2023 at 8pm.

Added on: Thursday, May 18, 2023

Playoff Reminders

First round playoff matches are set!

Reminders for Playoffs:

Please follow the guidelines set forth in the rule book.

C division began their season with 9 teams therefore 6 teams make the playoffs. It is not the other team's fault that 2 teams dropped out, we are not penalizing that division.

A & B dvisions have 9 teams therefore 6 teams make the playoffs.

Top 2 teams finishing the regular season get a first round bye in a 6 team playoff format.

Only a player who has met the minimum number of matches and has paid dues will qualify for the playoffs.  Matches are counted automatically via YLS now, only a player with "Q" next to their name qualifies.  If a number appears that means they did not play enough weeks to qualify.

***PLAYOFF MATCHES START AT 730PM*** We get this question every year, therefore I wanted to highlight it.

Please use the contact function on the website with any further questions.

Added on: Friday, May 5, 2023

C Division Change - Again

Liberty Rock Liberty Cork in C division has announced they will no longer be able to field a team and has withdrawn for the remainder of the winter season.

Their match for December 29 will be called a forefeit.

The board has restructured the C division schedule for the rest of the year around this second withdrawl from that division.  The website is updated and should be the only source of C division schedule moving forward as there have been significant changes, please disregard the earlier Excel version and any printed copies as they are now wrong/out of date.

Added on: Thursday, December 29, 2022

Toys for Tots = Sunday December 18

The annual Toys for Tots fundraiser/tournament will take place on Sunday December 18 at Casey's in Milford.

Please consult the MSDL and Casey's Facebook pages for full details.

Added on: Friday, December 16, 2022

Condolences to Mike Paecht

The MSDL board sends our deepest condolences to Mike Paecht of Randalls Latecomers in the A Division on the loss of his father.  The wake is Thursday December 8 from 4pm to 7pm at West Haven Funeral Home and the funeral is at Our Lady of Victory (Captain Thomas Blvd) on Friday December 9 beginning at 930am for those interested in attending.

The Randalls Latecomers v Randalls Deplorable Reapers match for Thursday December 8 is postponed, reschedule TBD.

Added on: Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Holiday Party details

Date - Dec 1st, 2022 Time - 6:00pm - 10:00pm Location - West Haven Italian American Club (back entrance) Bud lite draft, Cash bar for shots and mixed drinks. Catering by Chris Hurley Blind draw doubles tournament Free to enter Registration 6pm - 630pm. You must be physically present in the room to register. No call/text ahead or asking someone else to put your name in for you. Partners randomly assigned via Single elimination. Early rounds: winner of the cork chooses the game and goes first, one game. Quarter (last 8), Semi (last 4) and Finals - winner of the cork chooses the game and goes first, best of three games. Cash and toy donations will be given to Casey's Toys for tots fundraiser (great option for those who cannot attend the Casey's event). See you there!

Added on: Sunday, November 20, 2022

C Division Change

Good afternoon,

Pitstop Burros United unexpectedly backed out of the season.  The board received notice at 145pm eastern time today, October 20.  As the schedule is already done and packets distributed the only course of action is to have any match they were supposed to participate in be changed to a bye week for the opponent.  Please allow time for the website to reflect this change.

Added on: Thursday, October 20, 2022

Winter captain's meeting notes

Thank you to those who attended the winter captain's meeting on Thursday September 22.

The only rule changes voted in were:

1. to reduce the maximum roster size for winter teams to 11 players.  A player is defined as a new, unique person's name on the scoresheet even if they only appear once in an entire season.

2. Our league treasurer will be reporting to the board any unpaid team sponsorship or player's dues which will result in point deductions from the offending teams.  Please communicate any payment-related issues to our treasurer Jacque directly as he will maintain this database.  It is the team captain's responsibility to deliver any unpaid dues to the treasurer, he will not pick them up. 

Please join our MSDL Facebook page for more news and notes!

Added on: Friday, September 23, 2022

Winter 22-23 Meetings/Dates

Hello all,

President Scott DeCesare has set the following schedule of events related to the 2022-23 winter season:

September 22 - Captains *ONLY* meeting at Casey's downstairs 8pm.  If you are not a captain you may not attend unless you are declaring to run for a position on the executive board.

September 29 - Team sign ups from 7p to 10p at Pitstop, please bring your sponsorship check and completed team sheet.

October 13 - Packet pick up from 730p to 930p at Anthony Ds.

October 20 - Week 1 of matches

Thank you,

Tom Gaydos

MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Friday, September 9, 2022

Captain's meeting 6/9/2022

All 01 scores 95-177 which are neither an in or an out will simply count as a Ton and will be entered into the website as such.  T80 will remain a separate category.

3 cork out is no longer a separate all star, just a 3 cork.

A new set of rules will be published, compiling the previous addendums. Any feedback should be directed to VP Kevin Sanchez.

Roster guidelines, relegation and duration of time allowed to make up a match were discussed but nothing was taken to vote.

If a schedule including both a position week and a bye week are included the bye week will be slotted first to allow for any matches to be made up before the position week.

Next captains meeting will include voting for league officials. Please encourage your captain to attend and vote, if you would like to be considered please attend

Added on: Thursday, June 9, 2022

Upcoming Captain's meeting + Summer 2022

Hello all,

The Winter 21-22 King of the Hill will be between A division champions Casey's Shop Boys and B division champions Z's On Timers.  The website will be updated with the location once the coin flip for location has been conducted, match will take place on Thursday June 2, 2022 .

The summer captain's meeting will take place Thursday June 9, 2022 at Casey's beginning at 8pm in the downstairs area. 

The summer sign-ups will take place Thursday June 16, 2022 at Pitstop from 730pm-930pm.  The standard sign-up sheet will be used and may be printed ahead of time via the download section of the website.  Please direct any financial questions regarding bar sponsorship or player fees to our treasurer Jacque.

The summer packet pickup event will take place at Anthony D's on Thursday June 23, 2022 beginning at 8pm.

Summer league week 1 will begin on Thursday June 30, 2022 at 8pm.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the next Casey's drop-in tournament June 18, 2022 as well.  Please contact Pete McHugh for the TCB drop in tournament schedule.

Thank you,

Tom Gaydos

MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Friday, May 27, 2022

Playoff reminders

A few reminders for playoffs:

1. Matches are to start at 730pm promptly, there is the potential for a lot of extra darts beyond a normal evening.

2. The match is a race to 36 points, once one team hits 32 points the remaining games are to be played one at a time.

3. Please consult the downloads section for a list of Playoff eligible players. If you have any questions if a player is or is not eligible on your own team please bring that to the attention of the board no later than midnight Wednesday May 11. If your opponent attempts to use a player not on the eligible list please call it to the attention of both captains before the start of the match.

Shoot well,

Tom Gaydos

MSDL Webmaster 

Added on: Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Date Change - Message from our secretary

Hi players. 

We are changing packet pick up to September 23rd. We will begin the season on September 30th. 

You have an extra week to pay sponsor fees. 

We have to change the schedule for a late team entry and need time to make the changes.

Thank you


Added on: Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Captain's Meeting 8/26/2021

Congrats to Randalls Deplorabull Reapers, summer King of the Hill winners. 


We are returning to the 2-2-2 format for games, this goes for all 3 divisions. 


Teams are to transition from 301 to cricket or cricket to 501 even if the last game is going as soon as a board becomes available. It is the next person/team on the roster, even if it means changing left/right board. This should not interrupt the game ongoing, including switching out scorekeeper. 


There is no rule against having your beer at the throw line. 


If a scoring app or tablet is being used it cannot show the specific darts needed to accomplish an out during a match.  This is a setting in the scoring app that the provider of the tablet is responsible for having off before that device is used during a match.


A vote was called to add 5 hit in cricket as an all star, it was not passed. 


If there are complaints about the condition of a board or if the measurements from the line to the board about a particular location contact Vice President Kevin Sanchez to start the review process. 


The correct measurements for the playing area are: 


The Dartboard Height – Center of Bull to the Ground Setup the dartboard height to measure 5 Feet 8 Inches(173 cm) from the center of the dartboard (the center of the bull) to the ground. The height can also be measured as 68 inches or 1.73 meters. 


The Dartboard Distance – Ground to the Oche Setup the dartboard throwing distance to measure 7 Feet 9 and a quarter inch(237 cm) from the FRONT of the dartboard to the FRONT of the OCHE(Throwing Line). The throwing distance can also be measures as 93.25 inches or 2.37 meters. 


The Dartboard Distance – Center of Bull to the Oche After your dartboard has completely been setup, it is a good idea to measure the distance from the center of the bull to the oche(toe line / throwing line) to make 100% sure all measurements are correct. If this distance shows to be 9 Feet 7 and a half inch(293 cm) then you know your dartboard was setup correctly. The distance from the center of the bull to the throwing line can also be measured as 115.35 Inches or 2.93 meter

Added on: Thursday, August 26, 2021

Updated - Revised dates Winter 21-22

Here are some important dates for the Winter 21-22 season:

Meeting - 8.26

Sign ups - 9.2

Packets - 9.23

Start - 9.30

Presdident Scott has advised that the A & B division go back to 2 of each format now that the bars are open later. He also advised C division revised scoring could be considered, come to the meeting to discuss and vote.

Added on: Monday, July 26, 2021

Summer 2021 B Update

Hello all,

The schedule for B Division has been edited to reflect the departure of Johnny's Beagles.  Please note the changes in the schedule section of the website and a revised copy of the remainder of the season is available for download as well.

Also, the board voted to remove the second tentative bye as well.  Please note the playoffs with start immediately after the conclusion of the regular season without a bye week in between.


Tom Gaydos

MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Sunday, June 13, 2021

B Division & Week of June 10 Updates

Please see the below message from our league secretary, Danielle:

Hi players. Unfortunately, Johnnys Beagles has officially dropped out of our league. As a result the board has decided to give 10 points to B division teams. Also, June 10th is no longer a bye. We will be playing so the schedule has been pushed up one week. Any other questions please contact our President SHOOT WELL everyone!


Added on: Monday, June 7, 2021

Captains List & Schedule Download

The schedule for the upcoming season is available for download/print in the downloads box on the main page.  Also available is an updated Captain's list for this season.

See you next week!

Tom Gaydos

MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Thursday, April 15, 2021

Summer League Sign Ups

Summer sign ups will take place at Pitstop on Thursday 4.1.2021 from 730pm to 930pm. Please have the bar sponsor check when you sign up. If you are a captain who is not playing please tell your players who do want to play to attend to sign on with a new team for this session only. If you are a player please check with your existing captain first and if they are not registering but you want to play please come to sign ups to latch on with a team for this session only.

Future important dates:

Thursday 4.15.2021 - Anthony D's - Packet Pick Up.

Thursday 4.22.2021 - Season Start

We hope to see you there.


Tom Gaydos

Webmaster, MSDL

Added on: Friday, March 19, 2021

Phase 2.1

Hi All,

    As you all have probably seen, our Governor has rolled back to phase 2.1.

This means bars are closing early. As a result, the board feels it necessary to postpone 

our winter season. It is our hope that this decision is repealed swiftly and we can resume

 playing. As always, I will keep you informed as new information is known. 

Well wishes and stay safe!

  Your Secretary, 

Added on: Sunday, November 8, 2020

Update from our secretary

Good Morning players,

       According to our governor, bars will be closing at 9:30 pm on Friday, November 6th until further notice. You will play this Thursday. I will keep you all updated as more information is released. Stay safe.

                              Your Secretary,


Added on: Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Winter League Sign Ups

Winter sign ups will take place at Pitstop on 9.24.2020 from 8pm to 930pm. Please have the bar sponsor check when you sign up. If you are a captain who is not playing please tell your players who do want to play to attend to sign on with a new team for this session only. If you are a player please check with your existing captain first and if they are not registering but you want to play please come to sign ups to latch on with a team for this session only.

Added on: Thursday, September 10, 2020

Captains Meeting Announcement 9.10

From our league secretary, Danielle Borque:

I only received 5 responses from my email so I decided to contact every captain personally from winter season. There were 34 teams last year. 18 captains said yes to playing. There were 11 no's, 2 said maybe and I had 2 that did not respond. Based on this information, our President would like to have a captain's meeting on September 10th. Please come to Casey's at 8:00 p.m. Please wear your masks to keep us all safe. This is your opportunity to ask questions and concerns that we need to address. If any teams change their minds please let me know asap. 

Added on: Sunday, August 30, 2020

RIP Jim Roach

League members,

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Jim Roach.  Most recently Jim played out of the American Legion, he spent many years at the Beachcomber and frequently with Don Gerarde who alerting the executive board.  We extend our sincere condolences to his family, teammates and friends.  Due to the COVID-19 crisis he will not be having public services at this time but a memorial is being planned for the future and we will update with details when confirmed.


Tom Gaydos

MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Saturday, April 18, 2020

Winter 19-20 Season canceled

A message from league vice president Kevin Sanchez:

MSDL Players:

Due to Coronavirus and the state order to shut down bars/restaurants until the end of April, we will be cancelling the remainder of the 2019-2020 Winter season.  The timing (and length) of this pandemic has left us no choice but to end the season short.  Despite this, we will be making plaques for players that had 180s, 9-hits, and High-In/Outs.  Additionally, we will still be having our seasonal picnic for this winter season.  As for the Summer season, we are intending to start on schedule.  If you are interested in summer darts, be sure to keep an eye on your email for updates pertaining to sign-ups.


Lastly, the Board would like to thank you all for your understanding of this decision.  If there was a way to safely keep playing darts together we would but we have no control over this situation.  The best we can hope for is a timely return for summer league and currently that is our goal.  Please stay safe and healthy, hope to see you this Summer!

Added on: Monday, April 6, 2020

Casey's tournaments postponed

Kris Casey has confirmed both singles and doubles tournaments are postponed until Governor Lamont permits bars to restore normal operations. She will confirm when the tournaments will resume and updates will be posted accordingly. 

Added on: Thursday, March 19, 2020

Season postponement

A message from Scott DeCesare, league president:

The league has been forced to postpone the remainder of the winter 2019-20 season due to the Governor's decision to close bars in Connecticut. We will provide updates as they become available. 

Added on: Monday, March 16, 2020

Captain's meeting - new VP!

Hello all,

Here are the important notes from the captain's meeting on Thursday 9.19.19:

1. Only captains are allowed to participate in a vote for league office (or an approved proxy if needed in a captain's absence).

2. All league offices were brought up for volunteer/nominating, the only challenge was to vice president and Kevin Sanchez was voted in as new VP effective starting the winter 2019-20 session. 

3. 36 point scoring system for the upper divisions tested in summer will stay for the winter.

4. 36 point scoring system will include playoffs for thr upper divisions and King of the Hill.

5. Playoffs will now begin at 7pm, as always any scheduling concerns may be worked out amongst the teams if needed.

6. The Hops Company may host a team, it is located on the Orange-Derby line near Route 34.

7. The number of teams qualifying for playoffs has been changed to 10 or more in a division yields 6 teams, 9 or less yields 4 teams.

8. The 3 divisions for winter session will be referred to as A, B and C leagues. 

9. An automatic one up/one down move between divisions will be implemented based on the previous session's record unless a team is fundamentally changed or it would cause a major schedule conflict, to be resolved at the discretion of the board.

Thank you,

Tom Gaydos 

MSDL Webmaster 

Added on: Saturday, September 21, 2019

Message from the secretary

Hey Guys.

    Captains- I am forwarding the sign up sheet and dues worksheet if you want to fill them out ahead of time. 

See you tomorrow at the Beachcomber. We will be there 8:00 till 10:00. Please bring your $80.00 sponsor fees with you.


Added on: Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Important rule changes & notes 5.23.19

Here are some important notes and rule changes documented during the Captain's Meeting on 5.23.19.

1. For all divisions going forward - We will no longer have a coin toss to decide which player/team will throw first at bull.  The home team will be given the option to either throw bull first or defer to the away team.  The away team may not defer back.

2. For the summer highest division only (as a test run to be re-visited at the fall captain's meeting) - we are implementing a 2-2-2 game format for a match total of 36 points (12 + 12 + 12).  There will be 6x head to head single 301 matches, each match will be 2 legs and each leg is worth 1 point (total of 12 points).  There will be 3x 2 vs 2 cricket matches, each match will be 2 legs and each leg is worth 2 points (total of 12 total points).  There will be 3x 2 vs 2 501 matches, each match will be 2 legs and each leg is worth 2 points (total of 12 total points).

3. For all divisions going forward - In addition to the existing expedited 301 rules from the previous addendum the third cricket match and the third 501 match will start immediately on whichever board's match finishes first.  If the scorekeeper on the other board is required to play in the third match one of the players not playing should step in and take over at a convenient point which does not interrupt the match in progress.  Each round of matches is to stay contained (i.e. you may not begin a cricket match while 301 matches are in progress, etc.).

4. King of the Hill will always be played to the upper division rules/format.

5. If the quality/condition of a dart board (including wires), the lighting in the dart area or the measurements of the board height/angle/distance to the throw line are called into question the match should be played as usual but photos of the issue(s) observed should be sent via email to the league board that night with a request for the league to review.  A member or members of the board will go to the bar to investigate the complaint thoroughly including, if needed, a meeting with the bar owner to discuss the issue(s).  Actions to remedy issues determined to be worthy of follow up will be discussed among the board and if a bar owner is not compliant it will be brought up at a meeting for response by the league up to and including removal of that bar from consideration as a host bar for league matches.

6. Randall's has a team which chooses to use additional lighting devices around the boards as a method of improving visibilty for the players.  There is no rule against this usage and a vote was called to implement one which was voted down meaning they may still be used.  This may be re-addressed at a future date if needed.

7. Randall's has a team which also chooses to bring electronic scoring devices (tablet PCs with an app capable of scoring match play) to assist in scoring calculation to expedite the process as well as remove the possibility of small/poor handwriting on a scoreboard leading to a delay during the match.  These devices are permitted and they have the right for their team representative to use them during the match.  The opposing team has the option to also use a tablet PC (when available) or the traditional handwritten method at their discretion, the opposing team's scorekeeper has no obligation to use the tablet if they do not understand/feel comfortable with the device.  The team may use these tablets as either the home or away team so long as they are displayed in a manner that is clearly visible to the players at the line.  If any other team would like to begin bringing a similar tablet PC with scoring app as a means of expediting the scoring process they are welcome to do so but the league will not be providing or recommending either the equipment or software used.  All match results (win/loss points) and all stars should still be documented as usual on the paper score sheets.

8. The topic of all players being mindful of starting the match on time and where your matches are taking place on the roster during the night to make yourself available immediately when your turn comes up was discussed heavily.  The only way additional matches will be added permanently and expanded to other division will be if the duration of the match does not continually increase.  Limiting the number of practice throws and implementing a time-frame from when a match is called to start until a player is obligated to be at the throw line prepared to begin under penalty of forfeit were discussed but not called for an official vote, to be re-visited at the next meeting.

9. Please read, follow and report offenders of the 10 commandments for score-keeping to your captain to report to the board as soon as possible.  This includes variances in behavior between teams.  Do not be confrontational with the person directly during the match, it should be addressed between captains and if the offending party is the captain the opposing captain should report it directly to the board.  Please keep safety in mind at all times, practice good sportsmanship and be conscientious of your fellow players.

Added on: Sunday, May 26, 2019

Playoffs - Semifinals 4.25.19

Hello all,

The website is now updated with the playoff semifinals schedule matches for 4.25.19.

As a reminder playoff matches begin at 730pm, are a race to 18 points and once one team achieves 16 points the remaining games are played one at a time.

Shoot well,

Tom Gaydos

MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Friday, April 19, 2019

Chief Lou Tompkins (Updated)

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of "Chief" Lou Tompkins. Chief was a long time dart player, most recently out of Zs. We offer our sincerest condolences to his friends and family, especially those in the MSDL. Chief will truly be missed.


Friends and family may call on Thursday, January 10, 2019, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the CODY-WHITE FUNERAL HOME, 107 Broad St., Milford, CT. A Celebration of Louis' life will take place on Friday, January 11, 2019, at 10 a.m. at the Cody-White Funeral Home. Interment to follow at Riverside Cemetery, 308 River Rd., Shelton, CT.

Added on: Sunday, January 6, 2019

2018 Holiday Party

Just a reminder for our holiday party.

Thursday December 6 from 6pm-10pm at the West Haven Italian American Club. Buffet style dinner catered by Johnny Z of Zs Cafe. Free Bud Light kegs and a cash bar for mixed drinks. Toys and cash donations are welcome to add to the toy drive collection from the tournament. Come and be merry!

Added on: Friday, November 23, 2018

Snow postponement 11.15.18

Hello all,

Tonight's matches are postponed due to snow. The entire schedule will be pushed back 1 week other than the holiday party, we will play tonight's matches November 29.

Thank you for your understanding. 

Yom Gaydos

MSDL Webmaster 

Added on: Thursday, November 15, 2018

Winter Captain's meeting/Sign-ups

Hello all,

Per our President Scott:

The winter captain's meeting will take place Thursday 9.13.18 at Casey's beginning at 730pm in the downstairs area. 

The winter sign-ups will take place Thursday 9.20.18 at Pitstop from 730pm-930pm.  The standard sign-up sheet will be used and may be printed ahead of time via the download section of the website.  Please direct any financial questions regarding bar sponsorship or player fees to our treasurer Jacque.

The winter packet pickup event will take place at the Beachcomber on Thursday 10.4.18 beginning at 8pm.

Winter league week 1 will begin on Thursday 10.11.18 at 8pm.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the next Casey's drop-in tournament this weekend then at the captain's meeting on the 13th.

Thank you,

Tom Gaydos

MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Thursday, September 6, 2018

Summer KOTH

Hello all,

Summer King of the Hill will take place at the Elm on Thursday 9.6.18 at 730pm.  Parking and space inside the bar are very limited, please try to arrive early and be considerate of the players participating in the match.

Shoot well,

Tom Gaydos,

MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Thursday, September 6, 2018

Summer Playoff Update

Congratulations to our 3 division winners:

Division 1 - Randalls dArt of War
Division 2 - The Nightmare on Elm
Division 3 - Casey's Hooligans

Division 2 & 3 will play this Thursday at a location to be determine by coin flip, the website will be updated when the results of the coin flip are received.  Division 1 will have a bye this week then play the winner of this week's match next week for the summer championship the following week.

Thanks and shoot well,
Tom Gaydos
MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Friday, August 24, 2018

MSDL shirt photo

Hello all,

Jacque has acquired and proudly modeled the prototype for the MSDL shirt, a photo is available under the downloads section of the site.  Please contact Jacque directly for any further information on this topic.

Thank you,
Tom Gaydos
MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Friday, August 10, 2018

NHDL Tournament 6.23.18

Hello all,

The NHDL is hosting a dart tournament as part of the North Haven Irish Fair on 6.23.18.  Details may be found in the flyer for participants and there are sponsorship opportunities detailed in the Sponsor form.  I look forward to seeing you all there.

Tom Gaydos
MSDL Webmaster.

Added on: Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Rules Addendum & 2018 Summer Schedule

Hello all,

There is an important addendum to the MSDL rules published in the downloads section which takes effect at the start of play for the summer 2018 session.  Please review these rules changes passed at the last captain's meeting with your team before the season begins and follow them immediately.

Also, summer schedules for all 3 divisions are published under the download section.  I will be working on populating the website in the coming days for easy reference on the site and will activate the season when complete.  Thank you for your patience.

Tom Gaydos
MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Friday, June 1, 2018

A message from our Secretary

Good Morning!
     I would like to say thank you to all the captains who came to our meeting on Thursday.
There were a lot of great questions and issues discussed. These changes will be included in the MSDL rules for winter season.
Due to some medical issues there is a change in the schedule I emailed last.
 Sign ups are May 24th from 7:30pm-9:00pm at Pitstop.
Captain's packets will be handed out May 31st at 7:30pm-9:00pm at Pitstop.
Season begins on June 7th. I will be sending out an email with signup and roster forms next week.
REMINDER: Our picnic will be on Sunday June 3rd which starts at 3:00pm. Please come and enjoy Johnny's cooking and free beer!!


Added on: Saturday, May 12, 2018

Captain's meeting

Hello Everyone,

There will be a captain's meeting on May 10 to discuss new business as the start of the summer event season, full schedule is:

May 10 - Captain's Meeting at Casey's (downstairs) at 8pm
May 24 - Summer league signups at Pitstop 7p-930p, please have your bar sponsor check and completed sheet in hand.
May 31 - Packet pickups at Pitstop 7p-930p.
June 7 - Week 1 of summer league.

We look forward to seeing all captains or their delegated team representatives there.

Thank you,
Tom Gaydos
MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Thursday, May 3, 2018

King of the Hill results, Summer events

Hello all,

King of the HIll took place at the Beachcomber last night, thanks to all the players from other teams who stopped by to enjoy the match.  Pitstop Lugnutz defeated Beachcomber Shockers 18-10 to retain the King of the Hill, a copy of the sheet is available in downloads for those interested in the individual results.

There is a drop in tournament at Casey's Saturday 4.28.18, details are in a previous post.

Summer events are coming up quickly, Scott announced the following after KOTH last night:

May 10 - Captain's Meeting at Casey's (downstairs) at 8pm
May 24 - Summer league signups at Pitstop 7p-930p, please have your bar sponsor check and completed sheet in hand.
May 31 - Packet pickups at Pitstop 7p-930p.
June 7 - Week 1 of summer league.

Thank you,
Tom Gaydos
MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Friday, April 27, 2018

C Final results, King of the Hill

Hello all,

Congratulations to the C division champions, Beachcomber Shockers,  The sheet image is now available for download should anyone like to view the individual results from the match.

King of the Hill will take place next week between the Shockers and B division champions Pitstop Lugnutz.  A coin flip took place to determine the location of the match, it will be at the Beachcomber. 

Please also consider the drop in tournament at Casey's on Saturday the 28th, details are in the previous labeled post.

Thank you,
Tom Gaydos
MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Friday, April 20, 2018

Division championship results, C Final

Hello all,

Our 2017-18 winter session division champions are:

B - Pitstop Lugnutz
C Gold - Beachcomber Shockers
C Silver - Nightmare on Elm

A coin flip has determined the location of the C division championship, beginning at 730pm on 4/19/18:

Nightmare on Elm @ Beachcomber Shockers


Added on: Friday, April 13, 2018

C Gold 4th Place tiebreak


There is a tie in C Gold for 4th Place between Crush Bouncers and Casey & JoJos.  The board has determined a play-in match will take place this Thursday.  Beachcomber was decided as the neutral bar to host, it will be a race to 18 playoff format match.  The winner will receive 1 point to break the tie and take 4th Place.

Shoot well,
Tom Gaydos
MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Tuesday, March 27, 2018

C Gold last 3 weeks schedule

Hello all,

The schedule for the final 3 weeks of the regular season for the C Gold division is as follows:

March 15- regularly scheduled bye week.
March 22- position week (schedule has been posted).
March 29- the executive board has decided to not have 2 consecutive position weeks as this week is the transplanted snow out week from January. This will now be a bye week.

Please contact the executive board with any questions or concerns. 

Thank you,
Tom Gaydos 
MSDL Webmaster 

Added on: Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Summer picnic June 3

President Scott has announced the league summer picnic will take place on June 3 from 3-8pm. We will update the site with additional details as the event gets closer. 

Added on: Saturday, March 3, 2018

Preston tournament 1.6.18

Hello all,

Our friends from the New London league have a drop in tournament in Preston this Saturday 1.6.18. From the new organizer John Dougherty:

$5 buy in
2:30pm sign up
3pm darts fly

I'm going to ask about bar matching the pot, if not I'll match up to $50. Depending on how that goes I might start a mystery out, high out, or something. 

They are hoping to make this a regular if not weekly event, if anyone has questions please contact John at [email protected] for more information. 

Added on: Friday, January 5, 2018

1/4/18 Postponement

Due to severe weather conditions, league play will be postponed on 1/4/18.  We will maintain the schedule and simply move the entire slate of matches to the end of the season before playoffs.  Please stay safe.

Added on: Thursday, January 4, 2018

Toys for Tots Winners

Hello all,

Congrats to the Toys for Tots tournament winners:

Singles - Dave W
Doubles - Joe B & Tom M

Thanks for a great turnout, hopefully next year will be even better now that Beachcomber has agreed to no smoking during the event.

See you all Thursday at the holiday party.

Tom Gaydos
MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Preston Drop In is back

Hello all,

Our friends from the New London league are starting back up with their drop in tournament in Preston this Saturday 12.2.17. From the new organizer John Dougherty:

$5 buy in
2:30pm sign up
3pm darts fly

I'm going to ask about bar matching the pot, if not I'll match up to $50. Depending on how that goes I might start a mystery out, high out, or something. 

They are hoping to make this a regular if not weekly event, if anyone has questions please contact John at [email protected] for more information. 

Added on: Friday, December 1, 2017

Thanks from JJ

Hello all,

JJ Mazer wanted to thank everyone who attended last night's drop in, especially those who kept score to keep the event moving. We hope everyone had a good time and we'll see more of you at the next one, details coming soon.


Added on: Sunday, November 12, 2017

2017-18 Winter Schedules

Hello all,

I have activated the 2017-18 Winter League on the site with the information I have so far.  The schedules were received this morning and are available for download on the main page.  I will be working on populating the schedules onto the site over the next few days.  Thank you for you patience.

Tom Gaydos
MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Friday, October 6, 2017

A message from the President

Thank you to all who came out this past Thursday night for the captains meeting as it was great to see everyone. I would also like to thank you for your continued support of " OUR" league and with us the executive board. Without all of you and your teams we would not be here today.   Just a reminder we have sign ups this upcoming Thursday at Pit Stop at 8 pm and I look forward to seeing everyone again. With any questions or concerns please reach out to me at 203-923-5875.   Thank You Scott DeCesare  President MSDL

Added on: Saturday, September 16, 2017

Summer King of the Hill Winners

Congratulations to the 2017 Summer King of the Hill champions: Pitstop Lugnutz!

If anyone is interested I can post the score sheet, thanks to all who came out to support the match.

Added on: Friday, August 25, 2017

Winter 2017-18 Events, Captain's Meeting

Hello all,

From President Scott D:

Captain's meeting for winter session will take place at Casey's on Thursday 9.14.17 beginning at 8pm.  This will include a call to vote for league officials.  We encourage attendance to participate in any position votes that are brought up and to discuss league business.  If you have something you would like to see changed, this is the forum to do so.

Winter league sign ups will take place at Pitstop on Thursday 9.21.17 from 730pm-10pm.  Please bring all required materials and direct any questions to secretary Danielle Bourque.

Winter league packet pick up with take place at Pitstop on Thursday 10.5.17 from 8pm-10pm.  Please bring bar sponsorship checks to this event.

Winter league week 1 matches will begin Thursday 10.12.17.

Thank you,

Added on: Friday, August 25, 2017

Summer King of the Hill location

The coin toss to determine location of the King of the Hill took place Tuesday night 8.22.17. Beachcomber won the toss and will host the match, we hope to see you there! Thanks, Tom

Added on: Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Summer Picnic Photos

Hello All,

Below are some pics Dave Carr was kind enough to share from this year\'s summer picnic.  Enjoy!


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Added on: Friday, June 30, 2017

Summer Sign-Ups 5/4/17

Hello players,
     Just a reminder for captains...
sign ups are Thursday, May 4th from 8:00pm till 9:30pm at Pitstop.
You will find the sign up worksheet and dues worksheet attached (download section).
 Please bring a check or cash for your bar's sponsor fees with you.
Thank you and see you there!

Added on: Wednesday, May 3, 2017

King of the Hill, Captain's meeting

Hello all,

Congrats to this year's King of the Hill winners, Pitstop Lugnutz.  Final score was 19-9, an image of the sheet is uploaded for those interested.

Per president Scott, we have the following sequence of events coming up:

Captains meeting April 27 at Bakers 8pm

Sign ups May 4 Pitstop 730pm-930pm
Packet pickup May 11 Pitstop 730pm-930pm 
Summer start May 18 8pm

Please contact Scott with any questions or concerns regarding these events.


Added on: Friday, April 7, 2017

Sad news

Dear Fellow Dart Players,
     I have received some awful news about Billy Bob Banores, a member of our league, passed away suddenly on Monday evening. Billy played for Casey's Dart Bags for many years. Our condolences to his family.
     I am so very sorry and very sad to hear of his passing.
He always made me smile whenever we played...I will miss him!

                                          622 SAVIN ROCK
                                          WEST HAVEN
                                          SUNDAY APRIL 9, FROM 3-6

      Secretary of Midshore Dart League,

Added on: Thursday, April 6, 2017

King of the Hill location

Hello all,

The coin flip to determine location of King of the Hill took place yesterday, Pitstop will host.  If you've never been to a playoff or KOTH match we encourage you and your team attend.


Added on: Monday, April 3, 2017

C Championship, King of the Hill

Hello all,

Congratulations to the C division champions Baker's Top Dogs.  They will advance to play Pitstop Lugnutz in the King of the Hill next week. 

Be on the lookout for an itinerary of events after King of the Hill leading into our summer session coming soon per president Scott.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Casey's drop-in this past Saturday, congrats to the winners Mike V & the birthday guy Jeff Q!


Added on: Friday, March 31, 2017

Division champions, next round

Hello all,

Our 2016-17 winter session division champions are:

B - Pitstop Lugnutz
C Gold - Bakers Top Dogs
C Silver - Beachcomber Darts Out For Harambe

The coin flip determined the C division championship, beginning at 730pm on 3/30/17 will be:

Baker's Top Dogs @ Beachcomber Darts Out For Harambe


Added on: Friday, March 24, 2017

Playoffs - Division Finals, sheets

Hello all,

The rescheduled C Silver match has taken place, the score has been entered and sheet uploaded for reference.

As the playoff structure exceeds the standard number of games played it is quite problematic to enter individual results, I would need to take down the existing season and create a custom season to accommodate the possibility of 2 full rounds of games played.  The final scores will be added to the website as normal but I will also make available the images of the sheets submitted via the downloads section each week for reference.

Please contact me for any website-related questions and the board for any league related concerns.

Thank you,

Added on: Friday, March 17, 2017

Playoff Semi Finals & Eligible players

Hello all,

The website is update to reflect the playoff semi-final week for each division.  A list of players who are eligible to participate based on matches played is available in the download section, if anyone has any questions feel free to contact our secretary Danielle with me in copy.

Tom Gaydos
MSDL webmaster

Added on: Sunday, March 12, 2017

Position week 2 schedule announced

Please check the schedules tab for the position week 2 matchups.

Added on: Saturday, March 4, 2017

Position week schedule announced

Please check the schedules tab for the position week matchups.

Added on: Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas party

Dart Christmas Party Dec.22
Place: West Haven Italian American Club
Time: 6pm-11pm
Free food, draft beer, soda, and raffles
Donations for Toys for Tots: cash or unwrapped gift
Fun TIME!!
See you there!
MSDL Secretary

Added on: Monday, December 12, 2016

Revised 2016-17 MSDL Winter Schedule

Hello all,

The revised 2016-17 MSDL Winter Schedule is available for download as a Microsoft Excel file in the Downloads section of the website.  I will be re-processing data entry for the divisions, teams, players and schedule in the coming days.

Thank you,
Tom Gaydos
MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Wednesday, September 28, 2016

2016-17 MSDL Winter Rules

Hello all,

Please see the download section for the official 2016-17 MSDL Winter League rules document.

Thank you,
Tom Gaydos
MSDL Webmaster

Added on: Monday, September 26, 2016

Summer KOTH Winner/Winter Sign-Ups

Hello all,

Winner of the 2016 MSDL Summer King of the Hill is Pitstop Lugnutz, defeating the WHIAC Blind Squirrels 18-14.  Thanks to everyone who participated in the summer session.

From our secretary regarding the upcoming 2016-17 Winter session:


Put the word out for those who want to start a new team for winter.
There is no time in between so if you are playing you must give me your paperwork on the 22nd!


Please contact
[email protected] for further information.

Added on: Friday, September 2, 2016

Summer Picnic Tournament Winners

Hello all,

Congratulations to our 2016 MSDL Picnic tournament winners Dave Carr & Tom Depascale!

Tom G

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Added on: Friday, July 22, 2016

KOTH Winner, Summer Sign-Ups & Picnic

Congrats to Casey's Dart Bags for winning King of the Hill on Thursday.

Summer sign ups will be on May 5th from 7:30pm till 9:00pm at Pitstop.
Please make sure I have an email from your players. Communication was much better this year.


Added on: Sunday, April 24, 2016

Playoff Schedule

Hello everyone,

Playoff matches begin at 7:30pm on Thursday March 31st. Matches are as follows:

B Gold:

Randall's Late Comvers @ Pitstop Lugnutz
Pitstop 420s @ Casey's Dart Bags

B Silver:

Casey's Dart Slingers @ Casey and Jo Jo's
Z's Bullshooters @ Wake N Bakers

C Gold:
Elks Originals @ Elks Night Out
Anthony D's @ Z's on Top

C Silver:
Johnny's Bullseyes @ Crush Bouncers
Beachcomber Double Ones @ Johnny's Dart Dogs.

Please call/picture message/mail your sheets in as normal.  As all-stars do not count towards your totals for the year I am only entering the scores into the website.


Added on: Monday, March 28, 2016

Schedule change

Per the executive board, week 20 has officially been moved to Thursday March 24th to accommodate the St. Patrick's Day holiday. Please adjust your printed schedules accordingly and notify your team of this change. Thank you.

Added on: Thursday, January 14, 2016

SECDL/Brookside Drop In Flyer

Due to prescheduled holiday events at brookside, dropins will be cancelled this sat 12/19 and also on Jan 2nd , dropins will start back up on Jan16, please pass this info along,happy holidays

Added on: Friday, October 23, 2015

League Secretary Announcement


The board has asked that I send this message to announce a change at the league secretary position.  Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond his control, Quentin Smith is no longer able to fulfill the position of league secretary.  We thank him for his time in the position and wish him well in the future.

Danielle Bourque has volunteered to take over as league secretary on short notice as matches begin this week, we thank her for quickly filling this very important role under the circumstances.  Danielle's contact information is below, please contact her or any of the other members of the board for league matters.  For website related matters, please feel free to contact me directly.

The website is now live with the Winter 2015-16 divisions, teams, players and schedule including an Excel download on the main page.  Please review your team's relevant information and advise any issues observed.

Thank you all and continue to shoot well!

Added on: Friday, October 9, 2015

Packet Pick-Up 10/1

Packet pick-up for teams registered for the 2015-16 MSDL Winter session is Thursday 10/1/15 from 7:30pm-9pm at Pitstop.  Please contact Quentin Smith ([email protected]) or Jacque Borque ([email protected]) to make other arrangements if you cannot attend.  Digital copies of the schedule are available for download on the main page of this site.

Added on: Thursday, October 1, 2015

MSDL Yearly Captain's Meeting Minutes

Hello all,

Below are a summary of the minutes from the MSDL Yearly Captain's Meeting Minutes from September 3rd, 2015 at Baker's:

  • President Scott DeCesare called the meeting to order.
  • President Scott DeCesare called for volunteers or nominations for any league official position, none were given.  All league officials remain in their previous postions.
  • President Scott DeCesare called for any new business to be brought to the attention of the meeting.
  • Bill from Elm Cafe brought up an issue not addressed clearly in the current rules regarding if a home bar is unable to host a match due to construction, unexpected closure, etc.  After discussion, the following provision was voted into the rules by a majority in attendance:

        1. If a home team becomes aware before the day of the match of their bar's inability to host, they have until 6pm on the day of the match to source a new home venue (must be another league bar).  If they become aware the day of the match, it falls under the 15 minute grace period rule to start a match, meaning 8:15pm to announce the new venue.

        2. If a new home bar cannot be sourced by the home captain, the match will take place at the visiting bar provided that bar is capable of hosting (not already booked with enough league matches that it is at max capacity or has a conflicting event).  If this change to the visiting bar occurs in the first half of the season, the executive board may, at it's discretion, call for a switch in the home/away schedule between the two teams to "make up" the match for the original home bar.

        3. If neither option above is possible, the match must be rescheduled prior to the following Thursday to not disrupt the balance of the league schedule.  Any further issues with rescheduling should be brought to the attention of the executive board for resolution.

  • Brandon from Casey's suggested a 6 team playoff system, with a bye for the top 2 seeds and a 6@3/5@4 "wild card" round to determine the final 4 teams.  This was voted down by the majority in attendance.
  • A side topic from the above was discussed regarding playoff roster eligibility of players, no vote was called as it was agreed the current provisions are appropriate in this regard.
  • President Scott DeCesare called for a discussion of the previous year's system of a text/e-mail copy of the white sheet to the secretary for faster processing to both the results email and publishing to the website.  Webmaster Tom Gaydos spoke on the importance to the future of the league in incorporation of this technology to eliminate future dues increases and perhaps reduction of dues by eliminating the expense of either the voicemail or PO box.  A majority vote determined a new rule that someone from the home team is responsible for sending a clear image of the white sheet to Webmaster Tom Gaydos at either [email protected] or 203-980-9299 by 6pm the day after the match takes place (most weeks Friday @ 6pm) or the home team will receive a 1 (one) point deduction.  The visiting team may also submit an image for verification/to assist the home team.  Each sheet submitted will received a return confirmation message from Webmaster Tom Gaydos and all sheets will in turn be sent to secretary Quentin Smith.  If sending via email, it is recommended to send to both Tom and Quentin ([email protected]) for processing.
  • A rules committee was formed to address any further issues for consultation with the executive board on an ongoing basis and to allow for new business to be brought to future meetings by those unable to attend said meetings.  Members of the rules committee are: Jessica Zamachaj, Danielle Borque, Joe Doria & Sean Rice.  Jess may be contacted at [email protected] for official rules business.
  • Meeting was adjourned after no further new business was addressed.

Thank you,

Tom Gaydos

Added on: Monday, September 7, 2015

MSDL 2015 Picnic

Hello everyone,

See below for photos taken at the 2015 MSDL Picnic by league member Bill Bartini.

Thank you,

Added on: Monday, August 24, 2015

King of the Hill Results & Photos

Congrats to our two 2015 Summer League Champions, Pitstop Lugnutz and the West Haven Italian American Club Blind Squirrels!  Pitstop Lugnutz defeated the WHIAC Blind Squirrels 19-9 at King of the Hill on Thursday, August 20th 2015.  We have some photos to shade from the event as well, enjoy!

Both teamsPitstop

Added on: Saturday, August 22, 2015

King of the Hill Venue

After the official coin flip, Summer King of the Hill will take place at Pitstop. Good luck to all those involved.

Added on: Monday, August 17, 2015

2015 Summer Schedule - Download

Hello all,

Please see the League Downloads section on the main page to download your printable copy of the 2015 MSDL summer league schedule!


Added on: Monday, May 11, 2015

King of the Hill Champions

Hello all,
The King of the Hill champions for winter 2014-15 are the Pitstop Lugnutz from B division.  The final score was 19-11.

The date for the previously mentioned captain's meeting date has been set by the executives for April 30th at Baker's beginning at 8pm, this will also act as the summer league sign up date. Per Dave, they would like to get an early start this year so 4/30 will be the pickup, 5/7 will be the drop off and summer session will begin 5/14. During the 4/30 meeting there will be a venue for captains to bring up any issues and the permanent league secretary issue will be a main topic.

Thank you,

Added on: Friday, April 17, 2015

C Champ/Captain's Meeting/Summer SignUps

Final score for the C Championship match:

Casey & JoJo's def. Z's On Top 18-14

Congrats to Casey & JoJo's who move on to face Pitstop Lugnutz at King of the Hill.  Please consult the Winter League Playoff guidelines for coin flip procedures to determine the venue and advise the executive board.

The date for the previously mentioned captain's meeting date has been set by the executives for April 30th at Baker's beginning at 8pm, this will also act as the summer league  sign up date.  Per Dave, they would like to get an early start this year so 4/30 will be the pickup, 5/7 will be the drop off and summer session will begin 5/14.  During the 4/30 meeting there will be a venue for captains to bring up any issues and the permanent league secretary issue will be a main topic.

Added on: Saturday, April 11, 2015

Division Champs/C Championship Coin Toss

Division Championship results:

B Division - Pitstop Lugnutz def. Pitstop 420s 18-12
C Gold Division - Casey & JoJos def. King's Court SAMCRO 18-12
C Silver Division - Z's On Top def. Burton's Born to Booze 18-8

The two C division champions will meet this Thursday to determine the C winner, please contact Scott to determine where and when the coin flip will take place to decide who gets the home game.  B Division has a bye week.

Added on: Friday, April 3, 2015

Division Championship Matchups

Thursday night's Division Championship matches are:

B Division:

2. Pitstop 420s @ 1. Pitstop Lugnutz

C Gold:

2. King's Court SAMCRO @ 1. Casey & JoJo's

C Silver:

4.. Z's On Top @ 3. Burton's Born To Booze

Added on: Friday, March 27, 2015

Tiebreak Results & Playoff Matches

Tiebreak results from last night are

C Gold - Corner Pocket Rockets def. Z's Bullshooters 16-14

C Silver - Burton's Born To Booze def Z's On Top 16-12

Thursday night's playoff matches are:

B division:
4. Casey's Dart Bags @ 1. Pitstop Lugnutz
3. Orange Ale House Mullets @ Pitstop 420s (Game will be played at Crush)

C Gold:
4. Z's Bullshooters @ 1. Casey & JoJo's
3. Corner Pocket Rockets @ 2. King's Court SAMCRO

C Silver:
4.. Z's On Top @ 1. Elks Night Out
3. Burton's Born To Booze @ 2. Johnny's Dart Dogs

Start time is 730pm for playoff matches, first to 18 format.  I have activated the Playoffs portion of the website, please consult that area for results of the individual matches and the next round's matches.  Each division has it's own bracket for now, I will create C division championship and King of the Hill once those teams have been determined.  Shoot well!

Added on: Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Playoff Announcement - 2 Tiebreaks

Playoff Announcement:

We have 2 tiebreaks required.  Per the Winter Playoff Guidelines, item 5 a tiebreak game must be conducted between the following teams at a neutral bar:

C Gold - Z's Bullshooters vs Corner Pocket Rockets

C Silver - Z's On Top vs Burton's Born To Booze

Please communicate with the other team regarding a mutually agreed venue, date and time.  Once an agreement is reached, please communicate that to the League Secretary Please call in, mail and email a picture of the white sheet as normal.

Final rankings are shown on the site and will be distributed in the email via attachment.  Please contact the league for any questions.

Added on: Friday, March 20, 2015

Position Week 2

Here are the matchups:

B Division:
2 Pitstop Lugnutz @ 1 Pitstop 420s
4 Casey’s Dart Bags @ 3 Orange Ale House Mullets
6 Baker’s Top Dogs @ 5 Gipper’s Lick My Bulls
8 Baker’s Tennessee Tophats @ 7 Randall’s Latecomers
9 Z’s Triple Shy of a Cycle has a bye.

C Gold:
2 King’s Court Samcro @ 1 Casey & Jo Jo’s
4 Corner Pocket Rockets @ 3 Z’s Bull Shooters
6 King’s Court Hammer Heads @ 5 Casey’s Dart Vaders
8 Crush Crusaders @ 7 WHIAC Blind Squirrels
10 Anthony D’s Red Eyes @ 9 Wake N Bakers

C Silver:
2 Elks Night Out @ 1 Johnny’s Dart Dogs
4 Z’s On Top @ 3 Burton’s Born To Booze
6 Crush Bouncers @ 5 Elks Originals
8 Johnny’s Bullseyes @ 7 Elm Cafe
9 Gipper’s 3 Darts Down has a bye.

Shoot well!

Added on: Friday, March 13, 2015

Weather Conditions 3/5

Hello all,

 After a vote by the executive board, we have decided NOT to formally cancel this evening.  I suggest all home captains contact their home bars to verify they will be operational.

 We are, however, aware this may not be ideal for all teams.  As such, you may elect to postpone your match but it must be made up by no later than 1 week from today, March 12th.  If you are going to wait until the 12th, we require a digital copy of the white sheet be sent as a photo attachment to an email or sent via text to me directly THAT NIGHT.  This is so there is sufficient time to process all the sheets and declare the position week seeding with an appropriate amount of time.  Please also call in your scores as normal after the match takes place.  I will follow up with everyone once all needed info is received and calculated, as always the website will have the most up to date information.

 Shoot well and be safe.

Added on: Thursday, March 5, 2015

Position Week 1

Here are the schedules for the first position week:

B Division

Pitstop Lugnuts @ Pitstop 420’s

Bakers Top Dogs @ Orange Ale House Mullets

Gippers Lick My Bulls @ Casey’s Dart Bags

Randall’s Late Comer’s @ Bakers Tennessee Top Hats

Z’s Triple Shy Of Cycle has a Bye = 10 Pts.

C Gold Division

Z’s Bull Shooters @ Casey & Jo Jo

Kings Court Hammerheads @ Kings Court SAMCRO

Corner Pocket Rockets @ Casey’s Dartvaders

I.A. Blind Squirrels @ Crush Crusaders

Anthony D’s Redeyes @ Wake N’ Bakers

C Silver Division

Elks Night Out @ Johnny’s Dart Dogs

Crush Bouncers @ Burton’s Born To Booze

Elm Café @ Z’s On Top

Johnny’s Bulls Eyes @ Elks Originals

Gipper’s 3 Darts Down has a Bye = 10 Pts.

Please contact league secretary AJ or myself if there are any questions.

Added on: Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Elm Cafe's Bob Amuro

I have recently been given some tragic news. Bob Amuro of Elm Cafe a long time dart player, has passed away last night. I have no details of how or where, but on behalf of the entire league and other leagues he had played for, we offer our sincerest condolences to his friends and family. This is a truly unfortunate event as I myself ( as well as most of you ) have played along side of Bob for many of years. He will truly be missed. As we find out more we will keep you informed.  

Update - A wake has been scheduled at the West Haven Funeral Home (662 Savin Ave) on Monday, December 1st from 4-7pm.

Added on: Monday, November 24, 2014

2014 Toy Drive/Tournament

Toys for Tots Drive at Beachcomber on Sunday 12/7/14.  Registration at noon, games start at 1pm.  $20 cash or new, unwrapped toy of equal or higher value. Please contact a league officer if you would like to donate but cannot attend the event.

Update: Thanks to all for the great turnout!

Congrats to our new singles champion for the event, Tom Picard!

Added on: Thursday, November 13, 2014

Packet Pickup

Packet pick up will be available 10/2/14. Please read everything in the packet as a few things have changed. We now will accept a picture message/email the evening of darts to avoid late point deductions but Call ins and the hard copies must still be sent in. This is just one of the new additions to the packet this year so please read up. Any issues please address one of the following 3 Board members below.

Scott DeCesare
President Mid Shore Dart League

Dave McIntosh
Vice President Mid Shore Dart League
203-814 2341 

AJ Banores
Mid Shore Dart League Secretary
P:(203) 781-8914
C:(203) 305-9760

Added on: Saturday, October 4, 2014

Schedules/Rosters live for Winter 14/15

Hello all,

Just wanted to post that all of the info provided at the team meetings that was forwarded by the executive board is posted on the website.  If anyone would like to make any changes, additions or alterations please contact a board member or use the contact function of the website.  Please check your teams for accuracy including spelling!  Otherwise, players will be added to the rosters as they appear on the weekly sheets.

Thank you,
Tom Gaydos

Added on: Saturday, October 4, 2014

Winter 2014-15

Our 2014 Summer king Of The Hill winners are...... Pitstop Pitcrew! Congrats to them on a great season and to the rest of the league on a great summer 2014 season. 

Sign ups were this past week, an announcement will be made here this week with the details of how packets will be distributed.  The season is slated to begin Thursday 10/9/14, get ready!

Added on: Saturday, September 27, 2014