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 Match Result

Away Team Total Wins Total Wins Home Team
DarkSide of the Board 6 13 Krazy Kats

 Match Breakdown

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Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Antonio MorenoLWJohn Csanadi
Mike HolderLWJulie Connor
Pete LawlessLWErik Ollson
Amanda StarkLWGreg Doyle

Doubles Cricket

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Mike Holder +James SclafaniLWErik Ollson +Julie Connor
Antonio Moreno +Pete LawlessWLGreg Doyle +John Csanadi

Doubles 501

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
James Sclafani +Amanda StarkLWErik Ollson +Julie Connor
Mike Holder +Pete LawlessLWGreg Doyle +John Csanadi

Cricket Singles

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Antonio MorenoWLJulie Connor
James SclafaniLWErik Ollson
Pete LawlessLWGreg Doyle
Amanda StarkLWJohn Csanadi


Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
  +  +  + WL  +  +  + 

 All Stars

Away Team  All Stars   All Stars  Home Team
DarkSide of the Board 3 6 Krazy Kats

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Greg DoyleTotal ASP's197
Greg DoyleHigh Out197
John CsanadiTotal ASP's195
John CsanadiTotal ASP's1100
Erik OllsonTotal ASP's195
Pete LawlessTotal ASP's1100
Julie ConnorTotal ASP's199
Mike HolderTotal ASP's1134
Antonio MorenoTotal ASP's1100