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Winter Season Notes


We will be starting our winter season on Tuesday September 17.

The "A" div will be using the 4 player 6 game scoring that we used this past summer.

It is score sheet 4x6 available on the web site download area.

The "B" div will go back to the 4 game +801 scoring from last winter.

It is 4 man score sheet 801 also available in the web sit down load area.

The schedule will be posted soon.

Added on: Thursday, September 12, 2024

New Scoring Format

We had a captains meeting a few weeks ago and voted to change formats as some did not like the 801.

At the top of the score sheet is the new format. Each player gets to play up to 6 games but no more than 2 in any one group

ie cricket or 501 etc.. With four players 6 games played by each player. More than 4 players it will vary how capt spreads it around.

Added on: Monday, April 29, 2024

Get On The League Email List

If there is anyone who would like to be added to our league email list

please just send that persons name and email address to us at

[email protected]

Added on: Monday, September 12, 2022

Elect Scoreboard Dartmasterclassics

Go to Website for full description



Added on: Sunday, April 8, 2018

Late Sheets Being Sent In (MUST READ)


In this modern day of technology, cell phones have become a function of society.  At the end of a match, Captains please do the following:

1.       Fill in complete name of your players; i.e.  John Doe, John Dee, Jon Dow, Jon Due

2.       Calculate All-Star Points

3.       Make sure 180’s, R9’s, High-Ins & High-Outs are marked in the appropriate sections on the bottom of the sheet

4.       Captains sign the scoresheet.  Your signature indicates all scores, points, etc are final

5.       Take a picture – Check picture for clarity and all info is visible

6.       Send picture to


Sheets should be sent in within a matter of minutes of finishing the match, not Wednesday evening or Thursday evening.  The faster we receive the sheets, the faster the scores are posted.


Captains – it is your responsibility to ensure your team’s stats are posted correctly on the website.  Only the Captain should email the committee with any discrepancy

Added on: Thursday, August 25, 2016

Rosters Only 10 Players By 4th Week

By the 4th week you can not have more than 10 players and cannot add any players after the 4th week.
CHECK your rosters to make sure who you will be putting on or taking off.

You can only use subs once , to play on your team again they would have to be put in your roster.

Added on: Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Must Read All Captains

When filing out Scoresheets use both names on the left side and put team names on the sheet.


John Doe

John Dee
If you only put on the right side John D How do I know which John it is
There are too many Joe, John, Bob, Billy, etc on the same team.

Please check your Roosters to make sure ALL HAVE LAST NAMES

When sending in the Scoresheet on the phone make sure the picture is clear and not too dark to read..
Most of the score sheets that come in are in good reading condition but there are some that are not readable at all.  MAKE SURE THAT THE SHEETS ARE READABLE 

Added on: Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Committee Numbers

Paul Krucik          845-294-1158

Kevin Helmer     845-596-8285

Dan Byman        845-584-9612

Tom Guarino      845-494-6963


Angie Bruciaga   845-587-6565

Added on: Friday, September 13, 2013