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 Match Result

Away Team Total Wins Total Wins Home Team
Hudson's Mill 10 14 Da Mattys Special

 All Stars

Away Team  All Stars   All Stars  Home Team
Hudson's Mill 9 12 Da Mattys Special

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Mary WillisTotal ASP's1133
Dave DurfeeTotal ASP's1120
Dave DurfeeTotal ASP's1120
Mike SopranoTotal ASP's1100
Mike SopranoTotal ASP's1100
Mike SopranoTotal ASP's1100
Freud ValentineTotal ASP's1100
Freud ValentineTotal ASP's1100
Freud ValentineTotal ASP's1100
Freud ValentineTotal ASP's1120
Matt GleesonTotal ASP's1100
Matt GleesonTotal ASP's1100
Matt GleesonTotal ASP's1100
Matt GleesonTotal ASP's1100
Cooter James WeissTotal ASP's1100
Cooter James WeissTotal ASP's1120
Cooter James WeissTotal ASP's1100
Cooter James WeissTotal ASP's1120
Brian CrosbyTotal ASP's1100
Mike GaraghtyTotal ASP's1100
Mike GaraghtyTotal ASP's1100