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 Match Result

Away Team Total Wins Total Wins Home Team
Pie Tasters 10 14 Hudson's Mill

 Match Breakdown

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Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Bob DwyerLWEd Torres
James WalshLWEd Torres
Bob DwyerWLMary Willis
Jay CLWMary Willis
Doug MohrLWDave Durfee
Jay CWLFreud Valentine

Doubles Cricket

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Bob Dwyer +Doug MohrWLDave Durfee +Freud Valentine
James Walsh +Jay CWLEd Torres +Mary Willis
Doug Mohr +James WalshLWFreud Valentine +Dave Durfee

Doubles 501

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
James Walsh +Doug MohrWLEd Torres +Mary Willis
Bob Dwyer +Jay CLWEd Torres +Mary Willis
Doug Mohr +Bob DwyerLWFreud Valentine +Dave Durfee

Cricket Singles

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Bob DwyerLWDave Durfee
Jay CLWDave Durfee
Doug MohrLWFreud Valentine
James WalshWLFreud Valentine
James WalshWLMary Willis
Jay CLWEd Torres

 All Stars

Away Team  All Stars   All Stars  Home Team
Pie Tasters 14 11 Hudson's Mill

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Bob DwyerTotal ASP's1121
Bob DwyerTotal ASP's1100
Bob DwyerTotal ASP's1100
Bob DwyerHigh In (Double In)1100
James WalshTotal ASP's198
James WalshTotal ASP's1140
James WalshTotal ASP's1100
James WalshTotal ASP's1100
James WalshTotal ASP's1100
Mary WillisTotal ASP's1100
Mary WillisTotal ASP's1125
Mary Willis4 Bullseye's1 
Dave DurfeeTotal ASP's1100
Dave DurfeeTotal ASP's1100
Dave DurfeeTotal ASP's1100
Doug MohrTotal ASP's1100
Doug MohrTotal ASP's1100
Doug MohrTotal ASP's1100
Doug MohrTotal ASP's1100
Doug MohrTotal ASP's1120
Freud ValentineTotal ASP's1100
Freud ValentineTotal ASP's1100
Ed TorresTotal ASP's1114
Ed TorresTotal ASP's1114
Ed TorresTotal ASP's198